Chapter 80. Reach for the Stars, Jump

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Trigger warning x2! Mentions of graphic violence, such as self-harm.

The next day, Anderson declared that his elder brother; Orion Rubius; would set foot outside of Lydia Kingdom to pursue forgiveness for his misdeeds and adultery. The announcement was all too sudden, catching the entire Capital City by storm. Adultery in noble households were common, though always frowned upon by society.

However, none of the civilians understood why Orion received such a punishment—out of all things? It was almost as if House Rubius refused to acknowledge this eldest son of theirs.

"Have you seen off your elder brother, son?" An old voice croaked in the bed chamber. Seated by the large velvety mattress, Anderson nodded. "I sent him off. Though he was reluctant to leave, the decision had to be made." His weight on the bed made it sink down, though the old man laying there did not notice.

"...that Orion... hah, what can I even say about him?" Duke Rubius sighed.

His wrinkled silver eyes gazed at Anderson's, brimmed with fatigue. "I definitely did not make the wrong decision... choosing you, my perfect son, as the heir."

Little did he know, Anderson's thoughts were brewing up a storm. No, you did make the wrong choice.


A loud cough bombarded the bathroom. The strained gurgle noises washed down the toilet, but a desperate gasp for air made the temperature drop. Lucilline grabbed onto the edge of the sink, his limp body weak and helpless, but the drool and vomit at his mouth tasted strong.

"...Young Master, do you feel any better now?" By his side, a strong arm strung him together.

Willow's brows furrowed tight, leaving almost no space between. "Young Master?"

No matter how much Lucilline threw up, he could still taste the residual blood of his mother, staining the walls of his vomit-coated mouth. His locks of black hair had sweat damping them, the strands sticking to his pale forehead. Lucilline Rubius' appearance could be described as a porcelain doll. Cracks had already begun splitting across this beautiful figure of glass.

The eight-year-old boy hung onto the sink, as if his life was on the line.

The news of Orion Rubius' departure from Lydia was false. It was merely lies strung by his father to disguise what truly happened.

He saw everything unravel.

A sickening look was displayed across Anderson's handsome face, like a dark mist distorting his expression. He had walked forwards at that time, easily grabbing his elder brother by the collar, then turned him into a mutilated corpse. It was a hideous sight, the smell no less pungent than if a plague swept across a city.

"Lucy, don't look," At last, Scarletta and Zephyratt rushed in the underground basement, their warm palms falling before the boy's eyes.

They were quite late though.

Those scarring images had long ago etched into Lucilline's mind.

To present, Lucilline hung on the toilet. He moved a hand to yank open his lips, rubbing the edges of it wine red. Slowly, he stretched a finger down his throat, the knot on his neck bobbing. The boy felt a rush of adrenaline, as he threw up more down the toilet bowl.

Willow could only pat his back in silence.

Only when sun began setting down the horizon did Lucilline stop. His lean chest heaved up and down, desperate gasps gurgling out from his throat.

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