Chapter 13. Chocolate Mousse Cake

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"Get away from Young Master!" Willow yelled.

She threw a kick, then knocked Augustine off from his chair. The latter collapsed onto the floor, speechless, and wanted to argue back, "I wasn't the one who got close!" But he found himself unable to defend himself, as Willow rushed to Lucilline's side.

"Are you alright, Young Master?" Willow cared for Lucilline a lot.

She fondled over her Young Master's every detail. She would hate to be useless, and would try to protect him from having a single hair scratched.

"...I'm fine, Willow." Lucilline smiled. "Your bandages and handiwork are trustworthy. See? My injury is all better now." He showed his bandaged up hand.

Willow could only reluctantly lower her head. "But it was because of my uselessness that Young Master got injured in the first place."

Meanwhile, Augustine, who was still collapsed on the floor, "..." I thought that I was the butler in this household? Is nobody going to help me get up?

If Willow were to hear his thoughts, she would've refuted confidently with, "You may be the butler, but in my eyes, you are merely a filthy bug getting in the way."


Willow sighed. She loitered around in the kitchen, preparing a late night snack for her Young Master, who was probably working in his bedroom again. Willow whipped up a chocolate mousse cake, cutting up a slice and setting it delicately on a plate.

A satisfied smile fell on her lips. She can't wait for her Young Master to taste her creation!

All of a sudden, that smile vanished. Willow straightened her back, placing the plate of chocolate mousse cake onto the counter. "What are you looking for?"

The door to the kitchen opened, and Augustine entered.

His face was definite cold yet handsome, giving him off a cool air. "...what are you making?" Augustine was curious. He was merely walking around the manor, cleaning up any dust or spider webs. It was then he smelled something sweet in the air. The sweet chocolate scent had brought him to the kitchen.

"This is Young Master's!" Willow was defensive.

She must protect her sweet from the bug!

"...I know that." Augustine deadpanned. I mean... who else but the great villain would eat that during nighttime?

"What do you want?" Willow sneered.

Augustine froze. He couldn't just tell the maidservant that he smelled something sweet, and then was attracted to it.

"Whatever." Willow dismissed the question. "I'm preparing Young Master's late night snack."

Augustine began to ponder. Now that he thought about it, Lucilline rarely ever ate. Even if he would eat, he barely ate a thing. Now that it's nighttime, Lucilline would eat; and he's going to eat sweets. All in all, Augustine learned that the great villain had a bizarre eating schedule.

"...I also need to prepare Young Master's bath..." Willow began to plan out her events.

Her eyes flashed a strange light. "Butler Augustine." She said sternly.

[BL] The Darling VillainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz