Chapter 88. He is a Demon

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Author's Note: This chapter is like a rendition of the 200K chapter. Some words were rearranged, but most descriptions remained the same. For those who read the 200K special, think of this chapter as a re-cap. For those who skipped the 200K special, enjoy!

Thanks for reading 🙏🏻


The dense thickets of smoke clogged the air, as billowing black clouds desperately climbed up the cerulean skies, then dissipated into nothing.

Lucilline remembered the white blinding cross seared across his sight. His teeth gnashed in anger, a pot of fire scalding his heart. His chest hammered in madness—He could feel his eyes stinging in pain, red bloodied veins popping, and a sea of blood tarnishing over the pupils.

"Holy Church...!" His nails dug into the ground, as if Lucilline became some sort of a dog. For once, the great nobleman Lucilline Rubius could not hold back the madness plummeting my heart into the depths of fire.


When the fire was put out and Lucilline ventured back in the tattered manor, two dried bodies were found. Their mahogany red hair was only left of a few burned strands, revealing only a bald skull. The pungent scent of rotten flesh permeated in the place—disgusting.

The two bodies were drained of fat—the hollow ribs were visible on their sucked dry bones. Their dresses had long since dwindled into ashes, not a trace insight.

"...B-brother," Lucilline looked at a body, tall and slender, yet broken into a pile of tattered bones. Not a single surface of skin remained intact, all scalded into charcoal. The skin wrinkled like a wilted flower, rough to the touch, and unfamiliar to the senses.

Beside was a shorter but still slender body. Soot coated every single crevice, leaving no corners untouched in burns and wounds. Not even a droplet of blood remained—having evaporated into the fray of fire. The flesh rotted, a nauseous scent drifting from its body.

Two empty eye sockets were left, the hollow tunnels staring at the black-haired nobleman. Without knowing, his eyes began to water.

"No... you're not my brother or sister..." These two rotten corpses didn't look anything like Zephyratt nor Scarletta. The corpses looked so ugly, with maggots squirming in the already putrid black flesh, making a nest out of the deceased.

It was impossible. It was impossible...

Beside them laid an old ragged piece of cloth. Surprisingly, to Lucilline's dismay, the cloth was not burned to ashes like the rest of the fabrics. Instead, it was cleanly fresh, as if it was placed in here after the fire was put out. It shone a pearly white, almost like a star illuminating the midnight skies bright.

But the sight of it seared into the black-haired nobleman's golden eyes—a definite cross.

The two siblings had not even left with a rag to hide their indecent structures. Their bodies must have been snapped like a twig, until not even their silhouettes can capture their once humane appearance.

"Holy Church..." a crackle of realization dawned on Lucilline.

He snatched the remaining white cloth of a cross, crumpling it in his fists. "I'll kill every last one of you..." If I've lost everything, then anger is all I had left. He tore through the cross, wild and violent. Lucilline was an animal—no, less humane than an animal, only knowing to bare fangs and claws, to roar and gnaw at prey until nothing is left.

"You'll fucking pay...! You will pay!" I will kill every last single one of those murderers. I will make them suffer, to make them feel the pain of being burned alive! His heart was tearing at his chest, lurching out and trying to separate. Adrenaline surged through him, the intent to kill.

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