Chapter 1: The Awakening

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A girl with light brown hair and blue eyes slowly woke up from deep sleep. She sits straight up with confuse look and she turn her head to the left and right. Inside the room she was in, there's nothing much, just a desk with a chair, few random pictures, one oak door and one small window.

Suddenly, the door was opened by a teen boy around her age with black hair and red highlights and maroon coloured eyes, "awake already", he said with soft voice and he smiles at her.

The girl just look at him with scared face. With a realization, he noticed it. He walk to her and sits in front of her. "You don't have to be afraid", he said, "I'm not gonna hurt you. Trust me. Anyways, my name is Tyler", he said as he place his hand on his chest, "what's your name?".

At first the girl hesitate, but slowly she starts to trust him, "L-Luna", she answered and she smile shyly.

Tyler smile at her, "Luna huh, beautiful name", he said and move closer to her, "do you remember what happened or anything?", he asks.

Luna tying to remember what happened as she put her hand on chin. Just for few minutes, she shook her head, "I'm sorry, I can't. All I remember is my name", she replied.

Tyler just sigh at her statement just now, "this is going to be difficult", he said but try his best to cheer her up, "but don't worry, you'll get it back one day".

Luna just smile at him and nods in agreement, "thank you and where'd you even found me?", she ask.

"At the forest, not too far from my house", he answered and stood up,"you must be hungry. Come on, I'll cook something for you".

Tyler walk out of the room followed by Luna walking beside him. As they reach the kitchen, Tyler ask Luna to wait for little longer while he cooks. At first Luna disagree about this but due to her lack of energy she agree.

Few minutes later the food already finished and served in front of her. Luna take a bite and was amazed by his cooking skill.

"This is really delicious", she said

Tyler smile at her,"thanks, my mom start to teach me to cook when i was just a little boy and i enjoyed every time doing it", he replied.

After they both already finish eating, Luna notice behind him there's a black sword hanging on the wall. Soon enough Tyler notice what she stare at.

"It's yours", he said.

"Mine?", she said.

"Yeah", he replied, "I found it with you holding it while you were unconscious few days ago and I want to give back to you after this".

Luna want to thank him but after he said 'few days ago', she was surprised, "did you just said 'few days ago'? How long was I unconscious?".

"Calm down. First yes, I did said 'few days ago' and second it was about a week since I first met you", he answered.

"A week!", she said surprised.

Tyler just sigh, "could you please calm down. It creeps me out".

Luna take a deep breath and let it out, "sorry, it's just- well you know try to find lost memory is hard and knowing that was unconscious for a week".

Tyler smile at her, "we'll get it for sure, trust me".

"Thanks", she said, "but, how'd you found me though?".

"It's when I was on my way home from hunting deep in the forest. I found you lying down wounded all over your body. Of course I was panicked, but I calm myself down and carried you to my house to treat your wound", he explains, "and thanks to my friends, girls of course, treat it".

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Tyler get up and walk to towards the door. When he opens it, there are 4 teenagers around his age outside, 2 boys and 2 girls.

"Hey Tyler, we're home", said the guy with gold blonde coloured hair with green eyes.

"Welcome home guys, how's the quest?", Tyler asks.

"It's going just fine. Though we would finished faster if it's not thanks to Olivia's recklessness", gold haired boy said as he face to a girl with long black haired with white highlights, bright red eyes and black angel wings.

"Hey!", Olivia said as she punch him on his arm, "just admit it Jayden, you can't survive without me".

"Come on, stop it you two", said a girl with dark brown hair and light green eyes, "by the way, how is she?".

"Oh she's awake this afternoon", Tyler said, "I think she wants to thanked you girls for treat her wound", he continued and 4 of them is shock.

"I would love to meet her!", brown haired girl said cheerfully.

Olivia turn to her, "seriously Katherine, you always excited for everything".

Katherine just laugh, "you know me", she said as she cross her arm, "and beside, you also wants to meet her too" she continued and turn to a guy with white hair, oak coloured eyes and white wolf ears and tail, "right Ezra".

Ezra smile at her, "yeah",he said.

Olivia turn to Jayden, "back me up", she said but Jayden just chuckled with Tyler.

Luna walk to the door to see who Tyler talk to, "Tyler, who is it?", She asks and everyone look at her and smile. Luna just stared at them and smile back," h-hi, I'm Luna".

"My name Katherine but please call me 'Kath' for short".

"I'm Olivia, call me 'Oli' if you want".



Luna walk to them, "nice meeting you all".

"Our pleasure", Jayden said as he put his hand on his chest.

"How's your wound?", Katherine asks.

Luna turn to her, "it's healing and thank you for treat them. It's just leave a mark", she replied.

"Your walcome", Olivia said.

Tyler just look at them, "ok~ how about we talk inside", he suggests, everyone agree and went inside.

All of them sits on the living room and Luna get to know all of them and start to get along pretty well. For hours they talked and felt bad that Luna lost her memory.

"Hmm, how about we bring Luna on where she was unconscious tomorrow", Ezra suggest.

"Come on! We just came back from a mission. Can we just rest for 2 - 3 days", Olivia argue.

Luna look at her, "it's ok, maybe you guys can rest for few days, my memory can wait and besides you all look so tired", she said.

Olivia smile widely at her, "finally someone actually care about my energy", she said making Luna chuckle.

After get to know each other they went to bed and get some sleep.

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