Chapter 12: How They All Met

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The next day, they continue their journey to Tenzella while mounting their hybrids. Luna is thinking about something and Olivia notice it.

"You alright Luna?", she asks, looking at the princess.

Luna back to real world and look at the fallen angel, "yeah", she answer, "just thinking on how you all met".

All five look at each other and realised that they haven't told her just yet.

"Well, It's a long story", Ezra said.

14 Years Ago

A six years old Ezra is walking to the playground in the village. When he arrive, he notice a girl with short dark brown hair all by herself with toys in her hands.

Little Ezra walk up to her, "hi, I'm Ezra", he introduce, "what's your name?", he asks shyly.

The girl look at him, "K-Katherine", she reply.

"Wanna be friends?", Ezra asks as he raise a hand, Katherine look at him and smile as she hold Ezra's raised hand.

The two starts playing with each other every noon to play together for months, until one day....

Ezra is waiting for Katherine at the playground as usual and moments later she showed up with a backpack.

Ezra look at her, "hi kath", he said happily, but Katherine just have sad face and Ezra notice it, "what's wrong?", he asks.

Katherine look at him, "I have to move to another village", she said and Ezra's eyes widen, "my dad was given a new job far from here", she continues, "I'm sorry".

She raise Ezra's hand and place a locket on it as a reminder of her and their friendship. But Ezra also want to give something, he take off his white scarf and wrap it around Katherine's neck.

"I promise you that I will find you wherever you are", Ezra promised.

Katherine smile, "but still, you must not give up in your dream to become a huntsman", she said, "and I've decided to become one as well".

With that Katherine left.

3 Months Later:

After Katherine left, Ezra rarely visit the playground, afraid to be emotional and he don't want that. But today he decided to go there.

At the playgroud, Ezra is sitting alone until a ball land near him. He look at it and then two boys appear. one with black hair and the other with gold blonde.

"You seem sad", the blonde boy said.

"Wanna play with us?", the black hair boy asks, Ezra look at them and smile as he nodded.

"I'm Tyler", the black hair boy said, "and this is Jayden", he said as hr point at the blonde.

"And I'm Ezra", he introduced.

Since that day, the three boys always spend time together, study together and train together as they're dream are the same, to become a huntsman.

12 Years Later:

The three boys finally become a young teenagers and got accepted at the territory as a junior trainer.

"Can't believe that we're finally here", Jayden said.

Ezra and Tyler smile at him, "so many interesting people to befriend with", Tyler said.

Ezra look around and he caught the sight of dark haired girl, "is that?", he said as his eyes widen.

The two look at him, "Ezra?", Tyler called, but Ezra didn't listen.

The wolf boy walk towards the girl and beside her is  another girl. Tyler and Jayden look at each other and follow him from behind.

"Kath!", Ezra called and the girl turn to him.

"Do I know you?", she asks.

"It's me, Ezra", he said as he showed her the locket that was given to him years ago.

The girl look at it and her eyes widen then he look at Ezra, "is it really you?", she asks.

"The one and only part wolf you knew", Ezra said and Katherine quickly hug him.

"I miss you", Katherine said.

Ezra smile, "I miss you too".

The the two boys finally caught up to him and notice the girl, "Ezra you know her?", Jayden asks.

Ezra look at them, "guys this is Katherine", he said, "she's my very first friend".

"I'm Jayden".


"Nice to meet you", Katherine said.

"Hello I'm still here", a woman voice said, a bit annoyed in her tone. They look behind Katherine and notice a girl with long black hair and black angel wings.

"Sorry Oli", Katherine apologize, she turn back to the boys, "this is Olivia".

"Call me 'Oli' for short", Olivia said, "and don't worry, I already heard your name earlier".

"Nice meeting you", Jayden said.

"You too", Olivia said.

During team member selection, the five clearly destined to be together together as they are on the same team with Tyler as the leader.

For a year in a half, they've been working together as a team and also been saving enough money to buy their dream house at the end of the year.

Back to present:

"And then another two years, we found you", Ezra finished the story.

"I'm actually impressed", Luna said, "from kids to now".

"Fate want us to come together", Katherine said, "including you Luna", he ended and Luna smile.

"I think we're here", Tyler said as the hybrids stop.

"Where?", Luna asks as she and the others look to their front and see a village.

"Village of magic", Olivia said and the boys stare at it.


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