Chapter 10: Book Of Loyalty

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Blitz and Jayden appear behind the huntsmen along with their partners and the Arc Wolves that's starts to growl . The huntsmen draw their swords, but Olivia hesitate to do so, but she still had her bow ready.

Jayden charge at them, but Katherine manage to trap him in a barrier, but Jayden's demon power is too powerful for her.

"Hurry!", Katherine scream, "I don't know how long I can hold him off!".

Meanwhile the Arc wolves and the hybrids work together to take on Blitz by charge towards her. However, Blitz use her magic to blast them off, but her action makes the temple starts to crumble.

Blitz use the opportunity to get inside the tower, Olivia saw Blitz get inside and quickly go after her but stop when she heard the barrier broke.

Jayden send a great impact to his surroundings making them fly away. Ezra see the Arc wolves are down.

"Hybrids!", he called abd all Hybrids look at him, "get the wolves out of here!", he ordered but the hybrids are hesitate to do so, "we're gonna be fine", he assured.

The hybrids quickly get the wolves on their back and get out of the collapse temple. Some boulders starts to fall down to the entrance, meaning they have to get out fast.

Without even thinking, Luna run towards the main door to the temple to get the book before Blitz do.

Tyler notice her, "Luna no!", he scream as he run after her, "don't be reckless!", he added. As a huge boulder fall, Luna slid down before it completely block the entrance and Tyler stop, "we're counting on you Luna", he whisper and turn his attention back to Jayden who's going insane.

Inside the temple, Luna is running as fast as she can to get the book, "I must get to the book before Blitz do", she thought as she keep moving forward.

She stop at a large room, in the middle of the room is the 'Book Of Loyalty', surrounded by nature and  above it is an opening to go outside.

The temple starts to crumble, she quickly run towards the book, but stop when Blitz suddenly jump in front of her. Luna draw her sword to her front as Blitz prepare her crossbow. Luna charge at Blitz with the black sword ready to aim at Blitz, while Blitz just stay and fire her arrow at Luna.

Back outside, the gang had trouble to get Jayden back as the demon boy go on a rampage. Olivia want to shoot her arrow at him, but she so hesitate to do so. Tyler charge at him, but when he's close enough, Jayden spin around and use his demon tail to knock Tyler back. Ezra run towards Jayden with his claws out attempting to attack Jayden with high speed he can, but Jayden manage to dodge it all.

The demon boy block the half wolf with his left hand and use the other hand to punch Ezra with powerful punch to send Ezra back. But Ezra manage to stop himself and land beside Tyler who finally get up to his knees. They both look at each other and nodded, they sprint towards Jayden planning on attacking him at the same time.

Jayden let out a roar as he releasing demon energy inside him, blasting Tyler and Ezra away . Katherine use her magic to grab the two boys before they hit the wall. The blast from Jayden only make the temple collapse even more and Olivia just watch on what happened with her body shaking.

Back inside the temple that's about to get destroyed, Luna is dodging every arrow that Blitz shots at her while running towards Blitz. She aim her sword towards Blitz, but Blitz manage to create a barrier to protect herself.

"I will bring you to my lord no matter what", Blitz said.

"Why does your 'lord' so obsessed with me?", Luna asks still attacking.

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