-2- Duncan 💫

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Duncan! Duncan wake up!

I jolted awake the second I heard my mother's voice. My hair was an absolute mess and I felt my head starting to ache.  I hurried downstairs to let her know I'm awake and went to the bathroom to take a shower.  Once I got in my muscles relaxed when the feeling of warm water hit my skin. I stayed there for about 15 minutes before getting out and checking my reflection once more. I looked better now and smiled.

I entered my room and searched my closet to find something to wear.  Although everyone told me I had a great fashion sense, I barely knew what I was doing half the time. I would just grab random clothes and that somehow made people think it was cool. When you were popular it didn't matter what you wore, people would just admire you from afar like you're some great artwork. Sometimes it was irritating and other times it made me the happiest guy alive.

Once I was dressed I hurried downstairs to find my mother finishing breakfast and setting the table. She left to go answer her phone so I took the food off the stove and filled three plates. I seated myself down and started eating my breakfast. When she returned she was glad to see the table was set and seated herself down but she didn't eat. Just stared at her phone. I stared at my plate and hoped the silence would be filled.

I finished my breakfast and said goodbye , not getting an answer and headed to my car.  I got in and started the engine but not before bumping my head on the steering wheel and cursing under my breath. Today was just one of those days where the universe was against me. I decided to just drive and not to think about how terrible my life was. Again I thought back to my mother and how we were growing apart. I knew the reason why.

It had happened two years ago when I was at a party with Jake. We were both so drunk cause someone had brought extra brandy. I don't remember his name or what he said but I remember the way I felt. One moment I was talking to this guy I barely knew, the next we were making out. We didn't go further than that and yet I wonder what would've happened if we did.  Jake never saw it since he was passed out and the guy must've been too drunk to remember but I had never forgotten.

It was the moment I realized my whole life had been a lie. It was the moment that I asked myself if I was gay. I didn't want to be gay , I was a jock for crying out loud. I decided to keep what happened a secret and it pushed me to the edge.

My mother and I had pretty much drifted apart after that , she still thinks it's because I'm going through a phase yet she has no idea what's really going on. My dad doesn't really know what's going on either since  every-time we have dinner mom acts like everything's fine. Dad's been a bit oblivious and I think mom's  happy that he's still normal.

I arrived at school and saw everyone make way and surround me. I got irritated and only when Jake pushed them away did they move. I got out of the car and hugged him before greeting the others. It was mainly just Jake and Nick who I was good friends with and I was thankful for that. Some guys at this school could be and were definitely jerks. We walked into the school hallway and the second we did everyone moved and went on with whatever they were busy with. All except the cheerleaders.

They all hung around us and mostly they annoyed the hell out of me. Jake grabbed one on the waist and I assumed that was his new girl of the week. Next week he'd have a totally different one and brag about it until we eventually begged him to stop. Most times he didn't. All the jocks here liked getting the attention of the cheerleaders or getting some sort of distraction but not me. I wanted something meaningful with someone I really cared about. Something real. Of course the guys had no idea that's what I wanted or they'd laugh or worse hate me for it.

At break I went searching for Jake and found him in the cafeteria , sitting with his girl of the week and Nick , glancing at the girl who sat across him. I joined them but didn't eat anything. Jake pointed and I looked to see a cheerleader I knew as Amber and some boy I've seen Jake talk to once or twice. I never quite understood why , since Jake only surrounded himself with popular kids. I watched them sit at the table and Jake scoffed when Erick joined them.

"Erick really wants it doesn't he? He's willing to hang out with a nerd just to get laid."

"Yeah I know. I heard it's been three months and still sex hasn't happened, said Nick shaking is head disapprovingly.

I decided not to say anything and instead focused on the door. I looked for a few minutes then turned back around when Erin Reeves came through the door. I turned and Jake had a smirk on his face. He knew I had liked Erin for a few months and always found an excuse to talk to her and try to embarrass me. Of course Erin didn't mind , which relieved me of course. Jake got up and pulled me along with him.

"What the hell are you doing? I asked feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"Getting you Erin. I've got a plan that might work.

I followed him confused as he grabbed a boy whose face I couldn't see and dragged him out of the cafeteria. Jake grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the locker , his eyes darting back at me. The boy wriggled loose in Jake's grip and stared fixedly at us but Jake took the lead.

"We need a favour.

The boy seemed confused for a second but seemed to change his facial expression like he understood. He turned to look at Jake and took out a small notebook.

"Alright what's up? What do you need?

"We need you to write something for us , said Jake turning his attention to me.

I grabbed him to the side and watched as the boy still had his notebook up and he was busy writing something in it. I looked back at Jake and anger could be seen all over my face. I made sure Nick wasn't near and whacked Jake on the arm.

"What the hell? What are you doing?

"Helping you achieve what you want, said Jake.

"How exactly is this helping me? I asked trying not to look nervous.

"Axel's the smartest kid in school. You know why we get A's on all our homework and essays? Cause of him. All I'm saying is if you wanna get through to Erin he can help us.

"But Erin doesn't date jocks. How the hell is he going to help us?

"So glad you asked my friend. What if she didn't know it was you. What if she thought you were a random guy , maybe a secret admirer.

"You're not serious? I asked him.

"I am serious. As serious as my-

"Okay Jake I get it , I stopped him and laughed.

"She'll never know it's you and we can just tell the the nerd that it's for an English project. What do you say? You in?

"Alright fine I'll do it. Can't hurt to try right?

Jake smiled and turned back to Axel and I watched him scribble down something on his notebook. He looked like he was listening excessively and once he was done he closed his book he turned to us.

"You can collect it after school. Don't be late.

He grabbed his bag and headed to the cafeteria and came out arms hooked with Amber. She gave us a dirty look before turning to him and soon they were gone. Jake shook me out of my trance and we spun around to get to our own classes.

Everyone parted ways for us once again and the cheerleaders came running after us. Jake was caught up in something Nick had said but I wasn't listening. All I kept thinking about was Axel, with his emerald green eyes.

Our little arrangement💫Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ