18: Duncan💫

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The way to school was different today. Whenever I'd head out mom would at least acknowledge my presence. Now however she barely looked up at me as I left. Dad at least greeted me and acted like his normal self. I didn't mind the fact that my mother didn't greet me, it was always like that.  Although the news was hard for her to accept,  I had a different life now and I had to acknowledge that. I decided to skip breakfast and stop at a nearby coffee shop. This was how my life was going to be now and I just had to accept that.

I ran downstairs and basically jumped in my car. I was scared that if I didn't hurry out of there mom would take my car privileges as well. She's taken most of my privileges away like staying at home alone and going out to hang with Jake. Of course I was glad about the last one, I was done with Jake and his stupid way of life. Although she's taken most of my privileges away dad still gives them back to me which annoys her.  There was no sound in the car except for the engine roaring to life which I found comfort. At least there was one familiar thing.

I stopped in front of the coffee shop and got my usual which was a cappuccino with extra cream. I thanked the waitress by giving her a tip and got back into my car. Although I knew I had to buy coffee's for the rest of my life I wouldn't mind. The drive to school was slow and endless as I drank my coffee and tried my best to hurry to school. I wanted to see Axel again and see how he was doing after everything. The visit to my house was a comfort,  something that I could hold onto.

The atmosphere at school was different. Although I had many kids staring at me I thought it was because of the fight. I could see Jake with some other jocks standing by his red car. Although his glare was intimidating I tried not to react. It had only been a week since the fight took place but already Jake's face looked terrible. You could definitely see that he had a broken nose. I had a blackeye but since it was only minor it healed quickly. I smiled at the thought of causing him pain but hid it The second I saw Jakes face and his awful glare staring through my soul.

I got out of my car and walked to the front doors when I realized something odd. Scott Matthews was standing by Jake. This was strange because Scott never hung out with us ever. He was really mad at me ever since I had accidentally hooked up with his sister. It was an accident we were at a bar and I had way too many drinks. It didn't help that she was just drunk as I was. By the time I realized who I was with it was too late. I hadn't seen Hailey in three years and I was afraid that she might show up one day.

Jake noticed me staring and I continued walking only to be stopped by Scott himself. I stood my ground knowing that if he wanted trouble I was going to give it to him.

" Well well well, look who it is.

" Hi Scott.

" Wow! it's impossible to believe that Jake looks worse than you do.

" I guess you must've heard about the fight then.

" Everyone's talking about it. A buddy of mine a few schools away says they can't stop talking about it.

" Great, I said sarcastically.

" So it's true then?

" What? I asked confused and infuriated.

" The famous Duncan, the jock who slept around with lots of girls is gay now.

" Yes. It's true.

" What happened to you? You used to be so cool and now you're just one of them.

" Whatever Scott. Can I go now? Or is there anything else you would like to ask me?

" Just one thing. Stay away from my sister, said Scott with a grin on his face.

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