-16- Duncan💫

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Silence. We came home from school and I seated myself in the living room. Mum and dad sat on the couch on the opposite side of me and they both waited. For what I had no idea. Mum looked like she could explode or probably kill someone. I wanted to speak but every sentence I wanted to say sounded either petty or selfish. What was I supposed to tell them? The principal had basically said everything for me. I knew they would punish me. I could see the disappointment written on their faces. All there was to do now was to wait for punishment, at least I had detention to distract me. The thought of Axel made things somehow worsen. I wanted to see him,not sit here and demand answers.

Mum was twiddling with her fingers and dad was just staring into space. I stood up and was about to go up to my room when mum suddenly looked at dad and then back at me.

"Where did we go wrong Duncan? What did we do to hurt you?

"I'm sorry what?

"We've raised you the right way. We go to church every weekend and pray-

"Mom, you go to church every weekend. I just go because you don't trust me at home by myself.

"Jen please-

"No Jared! We've raised him the best we could and we've failed him. Wait till the people hear about this, they'll kick us out. The church will want nothing to do with us, we can't raise a child like this Jared. We just can't, said mum as she had tears on the verge of pouring out.


"I can't have a gay son Jared. It's a curse, a sign we've failed as parents. It's just too much-



"Duncan's had a tough day. Why don't you go upstairs and I'll talk to him. Father to son. I'll handle things.

"Alright. You better talk to him. I'll be in our room.

Mom didn't look at me and walked upstairs slamming the door behind her. I had no idea what dad was going to say but I hoped it wasn't something bad. Mom's reaction basically made me lose hope that people would be okay with this.  I felt the most hurt mainly cause I thought mom would back me up. Usually it was the dad who had an issue with a gay son or both parents in particular. Moms reaction really hurt me and I took a calming breath as I waited for dad's reaction.

Usually dad reacted calmly. Now however it seemed he wasn't sure how to react. Mom's reaction had obviously surprised him too and I wasn't sure how he was going to react. What was a great way to react to anything? It was silent for about ten more minutes. The silence was driving me crazy and I just wanted dad to say something , anything that mom hasn't said already. I knew the chances of that happening wasn't likely. What punishment would I receive? My dad wasn't the type to use physical violence. Was he? No he wasn't. Hopefully.

"Duncan. I want you to look at me when I tell you this.

"Dad, before you start-

"Let me finish first. Then you can go. Alright?

"Okay. You start then.

"I'm sorry about your mother's reaction, she grew up differently than kids today and believes that only men and women can marry and build a relationship. She doesn't believe in the new world we live in today. 

"I understand that-

"Secondly I understand why you had to hide your relationship from your mother and I'm sorry that you had to do that. I hope I can meet the boy who changed your life, if you'd let me.

"Wait ... what? You're not going to... but I thought ... what about mom?

"You let me handle your mother.  Just because she believes in one thing doesn't mean I do too.

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