27: Duncan💫

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I could feel his arms wrapped around my waist and his warm breath on my neck. I smiled as I watched him sleep. He looked peaceful and for the first time in a while I was too. I didn't want to wake him especially since I had heard what he had gone through from Ryan. I hated that Ryan had been the one who had told me. I was mostly mad at myself for believing what Amber had said. I should've known. Yet how could I have known?

It didn't help that Erick went along with everything Amber said. It just made me so angry, the fact that Erick lied to me. I understood why Amber lied but it still hurt. I was so glad that Ryan stepped in when he did , otherwise things could've gotten worse. I was just glad to be back with Axel, his arms wrapped around me and his breathing slow and restless. I had no doubt that Amber would be angry when she found out about all of this.

I decided to not think about Amber or what she might do. I had to get dressed and call my parents.  I untangled myself from Axel and made my way to the bathroom. My face looked flushed and that made me smile. I was not the prettiest sight in the morning but this was different. It was like I was directly looking at my old self again. I took out my phone and saw I had a bunch of missed calls from my mom. I was about to call her when I saw another bunch of missed calls from Amber. This made me more anxious and it made me stress.

I called my mother first and after an half hour of apologizing and telling her what I was doing , she let it go but made me promise to do all the house chores for a week. It was a sacrifice but not as bad as being grounded for life. Or being grounded at all. I hung up on my mother and decided to ignore Amber's calls. I knew that she'd call me again if it was important and decided not to worry about that. I went back to the living room and saw that Axel was still asleep, his face in deep concentration. I knew that he was dreaming.

I decided that I would let him sleep, knowing that he'd been through a lot. I had to go home and explain to my mother what exactly happened last night. I made my way to Axel and kissed him on his forehead. He was in such a deep slumber that he barely noticed me but I didn't mind. As long as he was asleep, I was happy. . I grabbed all my stuff and quietly headed to the kitchen where the back door was located. Ryan was out today and I knew Amber would be back soon. I decided to leave a note in case Axel woke up.

Went to go get some stuff from home. Be back soon ~ D.

I walked out the back door and realized that I hadn't driven here with my car and that meant that I had to walk. I wasn't in the mood to walk a few dozen miles but knew I had no choice. Erick was still out with Amber and I had no clue when they'd be back. Calling Ryan was definitely not an option since he was probably out on a date he told me about.

After an hour of walking through the streets I reached my house and there my car stood in the limelight of the sun. I walked through the front door and found my mother making lunch. I ran upstairs and grabbed a bunch of clothes I needed, throwing it into a nearby backpack. I had no idea how long I'd be there or what I needed. I knew I had to find a good excuse for why I'd be gone for so long. If I told mom that I'd be at Eric's, she'd directly call his cell and I couldn't have that. I decided to pack enough clothes for a week and all the necessary things needed.

When I headed downstairs to greet mom and tell her my excuse, she kissed me on the cheek and I seated myself. After eating some toast that mom had made me, I turned to look at the time. It was almost noon. I got up taking my backpack and my car keys. I was definitely not walking again. I could only go through that misery once. After asking mom for her permission and begging her till she finally agreed, I took off. My car was parked outside and I quickly got in before starting the engine and speeding off to Axel.

When I got there, I noticed Ryan's car in the driveway. It scared me to see it because he wasn't supposed to home for another couple of hours. I entered the house hastily, expecting chaos. Instead I found Ryan chilling on the couch, watching some lame show on Netflix. I ignored the background music and looked around, wondering if Axel had woken up. I didn't want him to wake up and find that I had left. Ryan paused the Tv and turned to look at me, a smile tugging at his lips.

"He's upstairs. He was taking all the space on the couch so I moved him. He's still asleep.

I thanked Ryan and ran so fast , skipping a few steps. I was surprised that I hadn't tripped from all my excitement. The hallways were short and all the doors closed. I searched and searched until I found his room, or to be more specific, Ryan's room. It was all messy as I expected, posters of AC/DC and Queen plastered on the walls. It was the kind of music Ryan was into, and I only knew about it because he made it obvious. The room was pretty big for a bedroom and I wondered how Ryan dealt with all the extra space.

I found Axel asleep on the bed close to the window. His eyes were shut and he opened them the second I slipped my arms around his waist. He smiled once he caught me staring at him and greeted me with a gentle kiss. I smiled at the feeling of his soft lips against mine. He pulled me closer to him and placed his head on my chest, it was a comfort I needed and welcomed. I played with a strand of his brown hair and watched as he looked up at me. He smiled as I kissed his forehead.

"Did you get changed? he asks, a mix of confusion and laughter written on his face.

"I actually went home. To get some clothes. Plus my mom thought I was dead or something, I say, trying to sound serious but failing.

"You came back? he asks, a smile spreading across his face.

"Of course. I couldn't leave my boyfriend alone to deal with Amber. Besides I missed you.

That made him smile. I kissed him this time, adding more passion into the kiss. That earned a soft moan from him, making me smile to myself. I was capable of making him feel all sorts of things, no matter what I did. In some ways he did the exact same thing to me. I felt like we were truly close now after everything that happened. I felt him look up at me, stroking my collarbone. That made me shudder and I looked down at him.

"I missed you too. Although I'm kinda sick of staying here, he says, smiling.

"Wanna go over to my house? We could watch a movie, maybe something that's not lame, I say waiting desperately for his answer.

"Or we could just rent a bad movie and make out, he says, sending a smirk my way.

"We'd have to watch it in my room. I'd totally be up for that, I say, smiling as I get up.

I help Axel get up and watch as he quickly gets changed. After a few minutes we greet Ryan, who's still watching Netflix and head out. We both enter my car and drive to my house. Axel rests his hand on my knee and I leave it there, smiling as I look at him. Once in a while we stop, and I link our hands together. I like watching Axel blush and it makes me feel like anything I do could make him a nervous wreck. After driving around we approach my house and I greet my parents as we walk in. Axel greets them too and for once they are friendly and don't ask too much questions.

I lock my door and turn the volume of the movie on its loudest, grabbing Axel by his waist and kissing him softly. He looks at me and smiles. It's the best feeling in the world.

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