-8- Duncan💫

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I looked at myself in the mirror. My face looked better now and the bruise barely hurt anymore. For that I was really thankful. My mother was back from her business trip and as usual she barely noticed anything different. My dad did though and so I was forced to go to the doctor and stay at home for a week. By now everyone must've heard what had happened and I felt angry. Not just at Cole but at myself. I was captain of the football team for gods sake and here I was sleeping with someone's girlfriend.

I needed a distraction but I never wanted to hurt anyone. Cole was honestly a good guy and most of the team probably hated me. I didn't blame them and if coach benched me I'd consider myself lucky. I was about to fall back to sleep when I saw my phones light flash and I checked to see who it was.

Axel: are you busy today? We've got to start working on our project.

Me: give me a few hours

Axel: okay. How about I come round at two?

Me: sounds good.

I texted Axel the address and took a shower but mainly I wanted to clear my head. The week had been the worst and I was trying to forget about it. About twenty minutes later my mom came banging on my door telling me to come down for breakfast. I wasn't in the mood for another day of eating in silence and so I got dressed quickly. I hurried downstairs and just ran out the front door. I couldn't tell if mom was bothered or if she saw me leaving. Either way she didn't react like I had expected.

I got in my car and soon I was out of our driveway and on the road. It was Saturday and yet the traffic was crazy. It was ten o'clock by the time I got to the grocery store and I basically pulled my red jacket hood over my face to avoid being seen. Mostly it was elders who came here and I knew I wouldn't see anyone from school but I didn't want to take that chance. I grabbed a few candy bars and waited for about ten minutes before paying and getting in my car again.

I drove until I stopped at the concrete wall that separated cars from the beach. I got out of my car and took out the plastic bag containing my candy bars before sitting on the hood of my car. The ocean was beautiful and it helped me think. I came out here whenever life got too brutal for me to handle. No one knew this about me but the beach was actually my favourite place to be at. As a kid I was very happy here, back when popularity wasn't in my mind and I could hand out with my friends.

I watched the waves rock back and forth before heading back home. Axel would be at my house in two hours and I wanted to get home before he got there. I threw al my wrappers in the bin before getting in my car and starting the engine. The ride back home was quiet and I was surprised to see moms car there. Usually she would be at work or some function , yet she was here. I thought it was probably dad who took her car today so I opened the front door and suddenly froze.

"- he's losing himself. I really think we need to call his therapist again, said Mom.

They didn't know that I came in. I stepped into the living room and Dad looked up at me, surprised to see me. Mom followed his gaze and stood up walking over to me.

"Duncan? I thought you were out.

"I was. I just came cause I have homework to catch up on.

Mom nodded and Dad rested a hand on her shoulder. I gave them both a questioning look before heading for the stairs.

"What were you guys talking about? I asked as I turned around.

"Nothing. Just work things.

"Stop lying. You were talking about me weren't you? I asked my voice suddenly sounding weak.


"Not this again! It's either work or you've got some issue with me. I can't take this anymore.

"Duncan we're worried about you. You punched someone in the face and slept around and that isn't like you. You've changed.

"Jen, let the boy rest. He's been out the entire day and he's been through enough.

"You always defend him and I'm sick of it Jared. Why can't you see that he's acting out?

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here! Ugh you're just the worst!

I ran upstairs and thanked the heavens that I didn't fall. I plopped myself on my bed and closed my eyes. Tears came streaming down my face but I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone and let this day end. For an hour I ended up crying and by the time I was done my eyes were swollen red and you could see that I had cried. I was hugging my knees and sniffing every five seconds. I felt like just going to sleep yet I knew I'd have trouble trying to if I did. I did cry a lot , it was something I did when I was tired of life or problems. I never told anyone that I cried cause they'd consider that weak and pathetic.

There was nothing wrong with being sensitive... at least I thought there wasn't. A guy had to be sensitive to understand things more. My breathing was slowing now and I just closed my eyes.

There was a knock on my door and I looked up expecting mom or even dad. It wasn't either of them. It was Axel. I forgot that I had told him to come over. For a moment he just stood there. I stared at him and he stared back. He put down his bag and seated himself next to me. I continued hugging my knees and he seemed to be doing the same. It was silent as we both had no idea what to say. I was surprised when he was the one who broke the silence.

"We don't have to talk. Not about the project or about why you're upset. We can just sit here in the silence. If that's what you want. Is that okay? he asked turning to me.


He nodded like he approved then took out a notebook and started sketching something with a pencil he took out from his bag. I watched as he carefully drew the lines and moved a bit closer to get a better look. He was drawing my window as well as my table with all the items including my lamp and computer with speakers and math book I had thrown there carelessly. He seemed to know what he was doing and seemed so relaxed while doing it. I felt my face getting dry and after about an hour his drawing looked so realistic I thought it was a photo.

I put my head on his shoulder and he didn't look bothered or uncomfortable. He seemed to be smirking and continued with his drawing.

"Thank you Axel, I said my voice still a little weak but stronger now.

"No big deal, he said as he turned to his drawing.

I lifted my head from his shoulder and that seemed to attract his attention. He put down the drawing and looked at me.

"It's a big deal to me. No one's ever cared enough... to... to.... , my voice was starting to crack again and Axel noticed.

"Hey. Hey it's okay. Duncan it's okay. Duncan, he said as he moved closer to me.

I stared at his green eyes, the way they studied me like I was a painting. I watched as he didn't move from my gaze and he looked like he understood. Like he knew what pain was in and he had gone through so much. I wanted to know so much about this boy sitting next to me and I could tell he was curious too.

Before I could stop myself or think rationally, I put my lips on his and I felt the warmth I felt two years ago. At first he was resisting but he flung his arms around my neck and soon our tongues were connected in a deep kiss. I put my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. I broke the kiss and he took a moment to recollect himself. He got up and I stared at him blankly. I stood up to face him.

"Look at me Axel. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I never should've -

His lips were on mine and before I grabbed his waist like it was the most natural thing in the world. His lips were soft and tender and soon they were brushing against my neck. I stared into his eyes , beautiful green and endless. I smirked and kissed him tenderly. That made him shudder and I felt myself smiling.

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