20: Duncan💫

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Is this really necessary? I asked as Amber was finding clothes for me to try on.

It was only a few weeks until prom and for some reason she thought it would be fun if we all went out dress shopping. It wasn't something I commonly did and I usually went out shopping by myself. Somehow Amber had convinced me to go with them. Although I wasn't happy about it l didn't  tell her that and she seemed pleased that I was willing to cooperate. I was happy that Axel and Amber had made up, and ever since  then they had  asked me to join them whenever they hung out. It was a simple gesture but one that I greatly appreciated.

Amber was shoving a few more shirts my way and I only gave her a look while going to try them on. She had already gotten her dress but for some reason wouldn't show us what it looked like. Eric seem to be okay with that since he liked the element of surprise. I walked out of the dressing room in a suit that wasn't too uncomfortable and noticed Axel staring. It wasn't the type of stare that suggested the suit was hideous but it made me take it off.

" It's necessary because this is your first official prom together. This is the night we are going to remember for the rest of our lives.

" Trust me Amber, this is the night I'm going to remember for the rest of my life, I say exasperated and smirk as I notice Axel trying to contain his laughter.

" Whatever. I just don't want you to look like you came with your father's  suit. Guys who wear suits like that never get laid.

" Are you sure about that? I say and it catches Axel's eye. He smiles, his face flustered and he blushes slightly.

" Come on, just pick a suit! I am not standing here for the rest of the day, says Erick.

" Fine. There is one that I saw and think you guys might like.

I walk to the front of the store and grabbed one of the suits hanging close by. Although it's out of my price range I love the way the fabric looks.  I decide to put it on in the dressing room making sure I look fit. I walked out and noticed that Amber didn't give a comment like she usually does. Axel looks like he's breathless and Eric just smiles while crossing his arms. I assume that they're happy with the suit because no one said anything.

" What do you guys think? Am I pulling this off?

" If you don't get that suit, I will not allow Axel to go to  prom with you, said Amber smile on her face.

" Well guess I'm getting it then.

We walk out of the store shopping bags in our hands.  The day wasn't so bad and after shopping we had lunch in the mall cafeteria. It was like the schools cafeteria except it was adults now and not some messed up teens. We got some looks as me and Axel walked hands linked out of the mall and to the car. By now the looks didn't bother us, since it was such a natural thing. Instead we ended up enjoying ourselves and soon it was time to go home. The drive to my house was quick as we turned on the music and acted like we were in a karaoke bar.

Amber stopped in front of my house, and turned around in her seat so she was facing the back.

" Well here we are. I told you going for shopping wouldn't be so bad.

" You were right. It actually wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be.

" We'll  see you at school? asked Amber as I got out and Axel followed me.


We entered my house, placing the bags neatly on the floor. I waved to Amber as she drove away and smiled at the thought of prom. In a few weeks we'd go to prom and after that college. It was a scary thought but a rational one. If college was like today , I wouldn't mind going right now.

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