-7- Axel💓

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The school halls were occupied as I waited for Amber. I was leaning against my locker and decided to read since Amber was taking so long. Penelope and her friend Vanessa were talking by the locker next to mine and like always they thought I wasn't listening. I looked up to see Amber still wasn't here yet and buried my face in my book. Penelope looked around then turned to her friend. She'd do that whenever she'd gossip.

"Did you hear? Duncan Lawrence did it with some girl at a house party last night , whispered Penelope.

"Really? Duncan ? Asked Vanessa.

"Yep. Apparently he went upstairs with some girl and didn't come back down again.

"How do you know they did it? asked Vanessa , looking like she needed more proof.

"Because the girl he did it with told me everything. She called and confirmed it.

"Who was it? asked Vanessa.

"Some cheerleader. Brianna Oakley. Some slut she is.

Vanessa nodded in agreement and soon they headed off to the girls bathroom. I knew there they would gossip a little more. I stopped staring at them when they were out of view and then turned around to see an empty hallway. Amber still wasn't here and I was about to call her when I found her standing by Erick's locker. She saw me and ran over to hug me and she was ready to let go but I held on tighter. I wanted support from her right now and whenever I'd do this she'd know something was wrong.

She combed my hair with her one hand and Erick came running down the hallway carrying three coffees.

"Sorry I'm late. The line in the cafeteria is crazy busy. I got these. What's wrong? asked Erick.

"I don't know. I haven't asked yet. Ax, you mind telling us what's going on? Also there's coffee.

I let go and took it, taking a few sips before looking at them both. I didn't want to sound like a drama queen but these two were my friends and they had to deal with me. The good part of me and the bad. I decided not to let that stop me. Penelope walked past giving Erick a wink before heading to class and I could see anger on Ambers face.

"Ugh that bitch! Gossips are all just terrible.

"Axel, maybe now you could tell us what's bothering you? asked Erick trying to calm Amber.

"Okay well you guys heard the news about Duncan yet?

"What news? asked Amber.

"Oh he hooked up with one of the cheerleaders at a party , his party and they were in his room for hours. That's pretty much it, said Erick

"Ax I'm so sorry-

"Amber it's fine. I should get to class but I'll see you at break.

Although I tried I couldn't focus in my classes. My mind kept darting back to Duncan and a thought that I couldn't get rid of. Why did it bother me that he hooked up? It shouldn't bother me and yet it did. What was that about? I wasn't jealous... was I? It hurt that he hooked up and it made me feel immense pain but that was normal ... wasn't it ? My brain told me I was going crazy, yet my heart told me something different. I was so lost in thought that when it was break I got a fright.

I met Amber and Erick in the cafeteria and didn't bother getting a tray today.
Amber noticed and got up to get me one . I gave her a questioning look but shrugged it off.

"You need to eat Ax. I'm not letting you leave this table if you don't eat. Otherwise I'll shove something up your throat.

"Alright alright. Hand me the yogurt.

Amber laughed and Erick joined in. The atmosphere seemed a bit lighter but soon changed the second Jake and Duncan came walking into the cafeteria. I rolled my eyes and Amber turned to see what the fuss was about. Duncan sat down and I didn't know if he was looking at me, I didn't care. I focused on my book and for a few minutes that's how it was. It wasn't until there was commotion by Duncan's table that I looked up.

There was a cheerleader standing there and a jock screaming something at Duncan. I recognised who it was. Amber looked like she did too.

"Ax, the girl that Duncan slept with wasn't Brianna was it? asked Amber.

"Yeah but I don't get-

"Brianna is Cole's girlfriend, said Erick.

"Oh shit. They're gonna rip each other apart.

"Yeah. Should we interfere? asked Erick removing his jacket.

"Erick no way! You looked creepy with a black eye. You are not interfering.

"Let's go, breaks gonna be over soon anyways.

We all dumped our trays in the bin before walking out of there and standing by the lockers. Just as I predicted the bell rang a few minutes later and I didn't see Duncan the rest of the day. I was thankful for that since I didn't know what'd I'd say if I did see him. It was after school and I was sitting in my car, waiting for Amber so we could go to her house. Ten minutes after school was over I got a text from Amber and practically almost threw my phone.

Amber: hey ax I'm going to Ericks place today so we can't hang out today. Sorry.

I texted her that it was fine before driving home. Or to be more exact Mr. O'Brien's house. I greeted him as I entered the living room and looked around. The place was quite nice from outside and the inside was pretty standard too. Mr. O'Brien had three kids and they were all really nice. I didn't spend a lot of time here but whenever I did they'd treat me like I was part of the family. Trish, one of his daughters, made me something to eat and I thanked her.

"Here you are Axel. Dad won't be back until nine.

"Thanks Trish. Where are your brothers?

"Mike's out with his boyfriend and Leslie has a date with a girl from college. Call me if you need anything else.

"I will. Thanks.

I headed to my room and laid down staring at the ceiling. The room was big enough to fill with furniture but I had refused. I didn't want to be a burden and that's why this room only had a bed and a table with a chair and computer. Mr O'Brien had been super nice to let me live here, yet I felt bad for taking his space. I felt myself getting tired and sleep overtook me. My phone buzzed about an hour later and it was the one person I wasn't expecting.

Duncan: can't do the project tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor. I'll text you when I can- D.

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