25: Duncan💫

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It was nighttime now and I could feel the cold night air prickling my skin. I had no idea what Ryan was thinking when he drove this time of day to my house and I was afraid to ask. I had known him only for a short time and never once doubted that he doesn't listen to anyone but himself. He said nothing, only stood in the midnight air with anger displayed on his face. I kept the door open, just in case he changed his mind and wanted to come inside. Ryan turned to look at me and I had no idea what I was expecting him to say.

"End this madness.

That's all he managed to get out and before I could ask what he meant he spoke again.

"You're not happy by yourself and clearly you're not doing anything so I'm telling you to end this madness.

"But Erick told me-

"About the plan yes I know. I just can't take it anymore Duncan. It has to happen now.

"Ryan I can't go against Amber's wishes. You know how she is.

"I can handle Amber. Besides wouldn't you want to fix things now instead of waiting a few more weeks?

"I'm not going against her wishes... I'm sorry. Axel and I , we'll figure stuff out but when-

"Let me stop you right there. I can't believe I expected you to actually help me. This was a mistake.

"Ryan! I shout as I run after him.

He turns to face me, anger and a hint of sadness that lingers.

"Axel is going through hell.

"Yes I've heard-

"Yeah you've heard. But have you heard the truth? Or just the lies Amber's been feeding you?

I say nothing as I think about the weight of his words and what Amber has been telling me. I wanted to know how Axel was doing and I had a feeling Ryan would tell me.

"Tell me the truth Ryan.

"Axel's been going through hell. He refuses to eat , to take care of himself. He looks worse than you could ever imagine. He passes out on the bathroom floor and the only thing he manages to take is water. He's going through shit. But hey I get it. I'll be out of your way.

It took a while for the words to sink in. I knew he was doing bad but never to the extent of what Ryan had said. I knew I had to act fast. Ryan turned to look at me, hope still longing in his eyes. He had hope and somehow it made me rethink everything. If I did this I'd be disobeying Amber and going against her words. Yet I thought about the lies she told me and made me believe. I also thought about Erick and how he was  agreeing with what Amber said. I stood in doorway confused with what I had to do next.

"Just give me a minute to go change. Then we can leave.

Ryan nods and I watch as he moves back to his car. There was a reason he was here, that I knew. It didn't make sense that he wanted to mess with the plan now, since Amber had told me he was on board with it. I knew that it had something to do with Axel. That made me worry, since I had no idea what state he'd be in. All I knew was that it was so serious it made Ryan go behind Amber's back, something that was quite dangerous to do. I ran up the stairs so fast I almost tripped and I could hear my mother calling my name.

I grabbed the clothes nearest to me and threw them on, knowing that what I wore didn't matter but still trying to look presentable or at least not fucked up. I kissed my mother on the cheek before racing out the door, promising that I'd be home by midnight. I checked my phone and saw that it was already nine thirty. I had at least three hours and I prayed that it would be enough. I met Ryan outside talking on the phone with someone, he sounded like he was trying to explain something. He hung up the phone once he saw me and unlocked his car from the outside. We got in and soon the car was speeding away from my house and past the billions of neighbourhoods.

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