-11- Axel💓

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"Everything in here is useless! How are you going to wear any of this tonight? asked Amber as she searched through my clothes that I had brought from home for anything good to wear.

Erick was going through comics that I had brought and didn't mind Ambers outburst. We had narrowed it down to two pairs of clothing one pile was the good clothes and the other was the clothes I had to get rid of. So far there was only one pile and Amber was freaking out. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that I wasn't freaking out as much as she was. Yeah I was going on a date with a guy but it didn't bother me because it was Duncan. He always made me feel better when I felt nervous and I didn't actually care what I wore as long as I was on a date.

Amber on the other hand didn't have the same sentiment that I did and demanded that we go shopping. I told her we couldn't go shopping because I had to get money in order to do that and although Mr. O'Brien wouldn't mind giving me money I couldn't ask that of him. Amber offered to buy me new clothes after I told her a million times I was not some charity case. She only stopped asking when Erick told her that it was my date and I could do what I wanted. Most days I was really glad Erick was around because he could somehow change her mind in ways I could never do it.

As we were deciding on what shirt would go great with my jeans, Ryan came bursting in the room demanding something. We all just stared at him trying not to draw any attention to ourselves or burst out laughing.

" Amber have you seen my charger? Mom hasn't seen it and I've looked everywhere -

"No I haven't seen it. Try looking in your room again it looks like a garbage dump.

"Cmon sis! I've got mom on my case already I don't need you to do the same. Honestly just let it go. I'm a messy person get over it.

"Sorry. Anyways we're kinds busy right now. Unless you've got anything in your closet that is good enough to wear on a date.

"I might have. Who's going out on a date? I don't like borrowing my clothes to weirdo's.

"It's for Axel.

"Really? You have a date? asked Ryan trying to hide his surprise but he failed to do so.

"Yeah I have a date. You could at least try to not act so surprised. I'm not that hideous.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. Who's the girl? asked Ryan.

I didn't answer and Amber saw that as her queue to step in. She grabbed a few shirts and made me try them on to see which one fitted the best. Ryan still demanded an answer and got irritated when Amber wouldn't say anything. She probably wasn't sure if I was ready to come out or if I wanted to.

Ryan seated himself and watched me come out of the bathroom that was built into Amber's room. I liked the outfit I was wearing and I told Amber that I was going to go with this one.

"It's not a girl, I said aloud.

"Wait... what? asked Ryan trying to hide his smile.

"Yeah. It's not a girl. It's a guy and he's pretty awesome once you get to know him." I watched as Amber squeezed my shoulder showing her support. I appreciated her so much.

"So you're gay now? asked Ryan.

"Pretty much yeah. I think I was always gay and just never admitted it. So yeah I guess I am.

"That's awesome dude! Now I can finally talk to someone who's gay too, said Ryan hugging me and and giving me a pat on the back.

"Wait a minute... you're gay? I asked grinning and not surprised at all considering Ryan never brought or hung out with any girls at our school.

"He's bisexual. So far he's only been with girls, said Amber as she packed all my clothes in a bag.

"Looks like you're ready. When's the date? asked Ryan checking his watch.

"In a few hours. I'll leave at six which is an hour before the date. I'll take my car, it's just standing in the driveway anyways.

"Okay cool. Let's head downstairs , I really wanna finish watching Riverdale, said Amber as she grabbed Ericks arm and reached for mine.

I headed to the bathroom first and made sure my hair was all good before joining Amber and Erick. Their eyes were glued to the Tv and I wasn't watching what was happening. All I could think about was my date with Duncan and how excited I was. I couldn't wait to see him and to see what he was wearing. I watched the Tv screen, how the characters danced on the screen and I thought back to before I met Duncan. I was alone then and watching stuff on Netflix was the only exciting thing going on in my life.

Now I had more stuff going on and it made me hopeful that I wouldn't be alone again. My phone vibrated and I checked the notification.

Duncan: I have never been so lost before in my life. This mall is huge :/

Me: lol :) are you at the mall?

Duncan: um yeah. My closet literally has nothing interesting. Have you at least found something? ;)

Me: Well Amber said my closet was uninteresting so that's progress. Ugh they're watching Riverdale rn. Kill me now :\

Duncan: how about I come pick you up in a hour? It might be able to save you :)

Me: You always know what to do to make me feel better. See you in a hour ;)

Duncan: you know it :) ;)

I smiled knowing that Duncan would be coming in a hour. Amber and Erick didn't bother to notice as I got up and headed to the kitchen for something to eat before Duncan came. Ambers mom was in the kitchen and she smiled before making a banana smoothie and handing me a glass. I took it and took small sips careful not to mess on my shirt. I put the glass in the sink and helped clean up for a bit.

"Thank you for the help Axel. It's always so kind of you to help out.

"No problem Mrs. Jones. If I'm staying here I might as well help out. Besides I love it here.

"Ryan tells me you're going on a date later. He seemed more excited than I've ever seen him.

"That's Ryan for you. Yeah it's just this guy in our school-

I was interrupted when Maggie pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. It wasn't uncommon because I had done it before. After a short while Maggie pulled away and rubbed my shoulder supportingly. I smiled and seated myself at the table.

"I'm happy for you Axel. If you ever need to talk, I'm here.

"So you're okay with the whole gay thing? I asked playing it casual.

"Of course! You're like a son to me and I support family, no matter who they choose to love.

"Thanks. That means a lot.

Maggie hugged me one last time before heading upstairs. I made sure there was no wrinkles on my shirt and jumped. There was a knock on the door. Duncan was here. Had an hour already passed? I greeted Amber and Erick before opening the door. It wasn't Duncan. It was someone I had never expected. It was Jake.

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