24: Amber/Axel/ Ryan🦋

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Amber's P.O.V

The restaurant was empty when I entered it. All except students trying to finish applications or first dates waiting nervously. I picked a table that was far back and you wouldn't notice it when you entered. A waiter showed me to my table and handed me a menu which I took quickly. I had my phone out on the table and Ryan was texting me, telling me that Axel was okay. It didn't lessen my nerves that something might happen to him. I didn't want to go out and leave Axel at home and yet somehow Erick convinced me. He had some sort of convincing superpower. That and of course my brother forced me out the door.

I checked my phone again and chased away the waiter who returned for the third time to take my order. He was small and frail and i hated being a bitch. After that no one came to my table. I felt bad and knew that I would have to apologize later. I was just a good person like that. Erick was taking long and it made me anxious. I wondered if he had been able to get away from Duncan. I caved and ordered two coffees. Iced coffees since that was Ericks favourite. I thanked the waiter when they arrived and after I took a sip of my coffee, Erick came bursting through the door. He looked like he had run a marathon and I could tell because he ran a lot. He looked around and smiled once he saw me.

I took another sip of my coffee and he kissed me on the cheek before sitting down.

"Sorry I'm late. Duncan and I stayed up late last night. I told him to rest.

"How's he doing? I ask, hoping that he's doing better.

"He's doing okay. He eats better than he used to. Also he goes downstairs.

"That's good, I say absentmindedly ripping up the napkins. Erick notices.

He takes my hands in his and it calms me, making me smile. I squeeze his hand gently and make myself relax.

"Amber it's okay. The plan's going to work. Just one more day. One more kay?

"I can't go one more day Erick. Axel is getting worse and I can't take it. We have to do it today.



He nods and signals for the waiter to bring a check. He does and Erick is once again generous with the tip. He smiles as I watch him pay for our drinks and we head out the door as quickly as we came. Hands linked we walk down the pavement and kids greet Erick as we pass. We walk for an hour or two before heading back home. We go to Eric's house since Ryan told me he'd take care of Axel. My brother was at least truthful when I asked him nicely to do something. I text Ryan one last time and make sure to turn off my phone.

Me : im at Erick's. I'll give you an update soon. Xx

*Axels P.O.V

I woke up and struggled to get up as I was still feeling disorientated. I hadn't eaten in days and I could tell by my figure that I was losing myself. It wasn't the fact that life had been bad, I was used to it. I mostly blamed myself for this situation. I overreacted and I wanted Duncan to understand that. I had broken him. Not just him but his heart. I still remember seeing him broken on the floor, not being able to get up. I wished he could see how broken I was, how the days were unbearable for me and how I couldn't function. I often wondered if he was going through the same thing. Was he happier without me?

Ryan brought me breakfast and I pushed it aside. I wasn't in the mood to eat or do anything else for that matter. All I had managed to do was cry until I had no air left to breathe. Amber supported me through everything yet I knew she was distant. She had her own relationship to worry about. Erick had decided to visit Duncan a few days ago and so far things were going well. The only reason I knew that was because Amber talked loudly. When she thinks I'm asleep, she talks to Erick and although I try to listen, I can never hear Duncan's voice. I wished that just once I could, being told someone is okay and actually seeing them isn't the same. I missed his voice, his hair, his soft lips and what they did to me.

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