-9- Axel💓

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You did what?! shouted Amber as we stood in the hallway and I told her what happened the week before with Duncan.

I pulled her away from Penelope and her wistful ears and gave her a look. She apologized and looked around to make sure no one could hear us. Erick met us in the hallway carrying coffee for us all and soon we waited till the hall was cleared before continuing our conversation. I had to think where I had stopped talking last and Amber helped me.

"I just can't believe it. Of all people.. it had to be one of Jake's friends.

"Okay someone fill me in .. what happened ? asked Erick.

"Axel made out with Duncan, said Amber with a certain coldness in her voice.

"You know what that means Amber , said Erick grinning all of a sudden.

"Alright fine, said Amber taking a twenty from her jean pocket and handing it to Erick.

"Sweet victory! shouted Erick as he put the money in his pocket.

"You guys bet on this? I asked trying to process what I had just seen.

"Obviously. We knew it would happen eventually, you just needed the right person. Question is, what now? asked Erick.

"I don't know. I've never known what to do in these types of situations.

"You should call him. Ask if he wants to hang out, said Erick turning to Amber.

"Then what? He suddenly starts hanging out with us? asked Amber apparently outraged.

"Amber I know you don't like Jake and trust me I don't like him either but Duncan's not like that. He acts like he's a jerk but he's really nice.

"Easy for you to say, your tongue was down his throat.

"I don't have to sit here and listen to this. Amber when you wanna stop acting like a child I'll be there but until then, you're on your own, I said as I walked away and outside into fresh air.

I closed my eyes and did exercises I've learned to calm myself. Back when I was ten I used to have severe anger issues and the school made me take anger management. It was a pain at first but I still knew some kids there and that's how I expanded my friendship circle. I'd always walk home with some of the kids and crash there whenever things at home got real bad. When I was twelve I started living with Mr O'Brien and it was a big step.

At first I didn't want to stay there but as things got worse I had to stay there for my own safety. I wasn't there every night but I always called to let Mr O'Brien know where I was and that I was okay. It didn't bother me that he was my teacher or that he sometimes helped me with my personal issues cause deep down he was actually a good guy. I tried to text Erick but all he could do was give me one word answers. I knew it was stupid to walk out on Amber like that and she probably thought I was a jackass.

I knew deep down that Duncan was a good guy and she had no right to criticize him like that. Yeah he was friends with Jake but that didn't mean he was exactly like Jake. He had been kind to me. A guy who was exactly like Jake wouldn't be concerned or even ask if I was okay but he did. Duncan was a good person and I had to make Amber see that.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I knew in an instant it was Duncan since it was only him who could have tanned skin like that. I turned around and his face lit up when he saw me. He kissed me passionately and I rested my hand on his neck. The other was ruffling up his hair. I felt his waist against mine and let a moan escape my lips. I felt so free being here with him in the parking lot.

He pulled apart and I smiled. I was so flustered that both my cheeks were burning red and I fixed my shirt. His hand didn't move from my waist and he pulled me to him.

"I'll see you at break? he asked biting his lip.

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way. Duncan?

"Yeah? he asked his head on my shoulder.

"It's not a good idea to come over to our table. I've told Amber about us and she doesn't like you because you're friends with Jake. That's why I'm out here.

"I get it. Jakes a jerk most of the time and so his friends are jerks too. It'll take time for her to get to know me and a lot of explanations. Once she calms down I'll talk to her.

"That's not necessary and you know it. She just needs to grow up and then I'll talk to her. Erick's trying to calm her.

The door behind us opened and Duncan reacted so fast it almost frightened me. He let go of my waist but relaxed once we saw it was Erick. Although I knew he had acted for the sake of both of us , I still couldn't stop feeling hurt for the way Duncan had pulled away. He was popular and he had a reputation and I knew that he wouldn't risk ruining that , not even for me. Whatever this was , he'd end it eventually and I'd be by myself again. The nerds they never get happiness or one good thing in their lives cause society makes us believe it'll never happen.

Erick stood by the door, his arm resting on the metal handle. I moved further away from Duncan and he noticed, disappointment could be seen over his face. He tried to hide it but it was there.

"Sorry to bother you guys. Ambers calm now so if Duncan wants to sit with us he can. Axel? You okay?

"I have to get to class. See you later Erick.

I slammed the door shut and collected all my books before heading to class and watching as my teachers went on and on with work I already understood. No one bothered to text me, all except Duncan and Erick but I didn't answer. I just scribbled in my notebook and waited for break so I could rest. I wasn't going to the cafeteria now, not after what happened. The library was the only place I knew where Amber wouldn't find me and I hoped Duncan wouldn't come looking for me.

The bell rang and as soon as the teacher allowed us to stand up I ran to the library and greeted Mrs. Zellner as I went to sit in the back. Books were the only thing I looked forward to. At least right now they were.

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