-17- Axel💓

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"How was Duncan's house?  Erick asked as I closed my locker door.

"How do you know about that?  I asked nervously.

"Duncan and I talk.

"That's good to know.

School was unusually crowded today mainly because of the fight that took place Friday. Amber was still not talking to me and I felt like I somehow deserved it. I asked Erick about it and he told me not to worry. He said that when the time was right Amber would come to her senses and talk to me again. It was hard to believe him but because he was so convincing I decided to anyway. The worst part was having no idea what was going on. Eric and I were walking to gym class and although Amber wasn't walking with us we still managed to keep the conversation going.I wasn't talking and so I let Eric takeover

Eric suddenly stopped and I turned around to see what the issue was. He had some look on his face as if he had forgotten some thing and it made me worried.

"Everything okay? You look confused, I asked him.

" We have biology after this, do you mind going back to my locker and getting my book? asked Erick.

" Why can't we just walk back and get it after gym?

"Because it would take too long. Please? I'll tell Mr Phillips that you had to go help a teacher.

" Fine but you owe me a coffee. And not just any coffee a coffee at that restaurant you hate going to.

" You got it.

I turned around and headed to Eric's locker searching my pocket for his key. We gave each other spare keys in case we forgot some thing and needed it desperately. I walked quickly making sure no teachers were in the hallways and that the hall monitor wasn't nearby. I passed many jocks who mainly skipped class for a living and didn't care as I hurried past them. As I approached Eric's locker I realised that Amber was also there. She looked good considering all the stuff that happened at school.

I greeted her as I opened Eric's locker, yet she just ignored me. Somehow it wasn't surprising , considering the fact that she had asked me to choose between her and Erick and Duncan. I walked out and that meant that I had chosen Duncan. It did to her anyways. I didn't understand it. She always dated guys I didn't like but that didn't mean I wasn't supportive. I had to be even if they were the jocks that occasionally messed around with other girls or pushed me into locker doors. I didn't have a problem with it when Amber decided to start dating Jake. And when they broke up I got the worst of it, yet I never complained once.

I opened Eric's locker and got his book , making sure it was the right one before heading back to gym. Although Eric begged me to go get his book  I still thought it was some sort of plan to get me to talk to Amber.  The thing was, even if I could talk to Amber I had no idea what to say to her. What do you say to someone who you had a fight with and just walked out because you had no other choice? This thing with Amber was really starting to tick me off and I had sleepless nights because of it.

If only there was a way I could talk to her without it being forced. I handed Eric his book and Mr Phillips didn't mind the fact that I was late to gym. At least I had that thing going for me. We ran for about an hour before showering although most of the boys faked their showers. Eric waited for me to get dressed and soon we were  walking in the hallway. We had biology before break and I was honestly looking forward to it.

Halfway through biology I gave up trying to listen as I kept getting interrupted by Penelope and her friend Vanessa who were talking about the usual crap. Some jock had a party and they weren't invited and of course Vanessa knew everything. Penelope would shout at Vanessa for gossiping and then act like she knew all along what the news was. It was honestly the same thing over and over again. Usually I would just listen occasionally but this time it was different.

" Did you hear Scott Matthews is throwing a party? The first one he's thrown in three years and everyone is invited, said Vanessa.

" Are you sure everyone is invited? Last time you said that it  wasn't true.

" It's true. His sister is returning from New York to go  to school here. He's celebrating by introducing her to everyone.

" Hailey Matthews is returning? Isn't she the girl that Duncan used to have occasional flings with?

I froze. Occasional Flings? I knew Duncan was like the occasional jock just never in a way that he would have occasional flings with anyone. I thought about what Amber had said about me not knowing everything about Duncan. Maybe she was right. I focused my attention back to Penelope  and Vanessa and tried to get more info on what this girl was doing back here.?

" Is there any real reason she's back here? Besides school of course, asked Vanessa.

" I hear she's back here for Duncan.  Of course I've heard many things, said Penelope.

"What things? asked Vanessa all interested.

"Does it really matter what I've heard? The point is she's been back since this morning. Here's the crazy part. She kissed Duncan in the hallway.

Every part of me suddenly froze. In the hallway? We were there the entire morning and I never saw anything. I didn't want to believe anything Penelope said because a lot of times she exaggerated. If Duncan did something he would tell me. Duncan would always tell me. This day was going worse than I expected it to and I couldn't wait for biology to end. We had a substitute teacher today and he didn't really mind the talking. I stopped listening after a while and hid behind my book. I didn't want them to know I was listening.

The bell wrung signalling us all to get up and head to the cafeteria. I packed my books in my locker and noticed people staring. I assumed it was because of Hailey that had returned. I didn't want to face anyone and I knew that if I went into the cafeteria I'd meet Duncan. I greeted Erick , telling him I had a project to work on and headed to the library. I hoped Duncan wouldn't come looking for me, if he was smart he wouldn't. All I wanted to do was be by myself for a while. I took some lunch with me since I was going to spend break there.

The library had a welcoming silence that I gracefully accepted. I turned my phone on silent and buried my nose in a book.

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