19 : Axel💓

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The house was empty when I entered it as I put my car keys on the kitchen table. Amber had asked me to meet her at her house and yet I had no idea what to expect. What did you say to someone who you haven't spoken to in weeks? Amber seemed pretty upset when she entered the living room and just gestured for me to sit down. I sat down leaving enough space between us so that if I had to get up and leave I would. I haven't been here since the  day Jake asked me for that favour.

She didn't avoid my look , in fact she did look at me this time. The tension was killing me. I wanted to know why she asked me here and I wanted to get it over with. All Duncan said was that she wanted to talk to me, although now I feel like it was a mistake.

"Okay Amber why am I here? You might as well tell me.

" I wanted to talk.

I gave her a look of annoyance that took her by surprise but she kept her face focused.

"You look like you're in a hurry so I might as well just get to the point.

I said nothing. I had nothing to say to her and I hoped that she might end this madness soon. I was tired of fighting and having my best friend turn against me.

" I'm sorry that I asked you to choose between Duncan and well... us. It was a stupid thing to do and I realized how unfair it was towards you.

"Was this before or after Duncan practically got hit in the face and the principal outed him to his parents?

" I didn't know that would happen. Even if I did know how was I supposed to know that there was going to be a fight? I was just upset because Duncan is friends with Jake.

" Oh well if that's it then I might as well tell you. When you went out with Jake I was mad. So mad that I couldn't even be around you. But you know what I did, I supported you because that's what friends do. You've dated some of the worst guys I've ever met, and that's sugarcoating it. I supported you and the one time I date someone you don't support me.

Amber said nothing, her face expression seemed neutral yet I could tell that it was just a mask that she had learned over the years.

" If that's how you felt you should've just told me, said Amber tears stinging her eyes. I could tell that she was upset and the truth like they say hurts.

" I wanted to tell you Amber trust me I did. I was just afraid that if I did you wouldn't want to- to-

I could feel a bone in my throat, my thoughts rambled and yet I couldn't speak. It was hard to talk about emotional stuff, mostly because I've had so much emotional baggage all my life I never actually talked about. In someway talking about my emotional life just made things difficult.

" Axel, did you really think I'd stop being friends with you because of some stupid opinion? You're stuck with me whether you like it or not.

It was pretty much silent after that. I didn't know what to say since I practically said it all. Amber looked like she had some thoughts on her mind but even if she did she wouldn't tell me. I wanted to know more, talk about this because I knew that once were friends again this topic would never come up again. We were great best friends but not the type to share sentimental crap. That's just who we were, I liked Eric because he was the sensitive type between us. He forced us to talk about our problems, it surprised me that it took us this long to talk about it on our own.

Amber heaved a deep sigh and for a while I thought it was going to be silent again. I decided to break the silence with the question we were both dreading.

" So what now?

" Are you happy with him? asked Amber not looking at me but instead at the wall.

" I really am. Yeah we have our problems but we work things out. I just really need support from you Amber. You're my best friend and I hate fighting with you.

" I hate fighting with you, said Amber the pain in her voice starting to show.

" So why don't we just stop fighting? I asked, trying my best to distract her.

" Sounds like an excellent plan.

Her mouth twitched and I could tell that she was smiling. I thought that would be the end of it but suddenly she got all serious again and I was preparing myself for another fight.

"Axel, if you're really happy with Duncan then he can hang out with us. As long as you don't show too much public affection, she said smiling sincerely this time.

" Hey, I made that rule. Do you really think I'm gonna go round and break it? I asked smiling too and laughing.

" Rules can be broken you know? Amber says as she smiles at me and turns her tv on.

" How many hours do you have to kill? There's this great Lord of the rings marathon that's on.

" Thanks Amber but I can only stay for a few hours. I'm meeting Duncan at his house later.

"Ooohhh, sounds serious. Just use protection okay? You never know what could happen.

" It's not like that. I'm just going over there because he needs help with-

I pause for a long moment.



" Does it really matter what he needs help with? I ask mockingly

" In this case it does. Come on what is it? Amber asks pretending to be whining.

" It's nothing. Come on let's just watch a movie already! I'm getting tired of all this questioning.

" Fine. I'll let it go. Just one more thing. Make sure you bring extra clothes. You might stay over.

"I- you- I- Fine.

Amber let's go all her hopes of fishing more answers out of me and settles for a classical movie known as the notebook. I like it because it's romantic and almost Shakespearean. Most guys think it's just some sappy chick flick But really it's a movie for all the Romantics out there. I wouldn't exactly call myself a romantic, but it's still a good movie. A few minutes later Amber leaves but returns with some movie snacks. We devour those quickly and her mom makes us some lunch. I end up eating only a little bit since I'm afraid I might eat at Duncan's house too

After spending at least five hours at Ambers house, I take my car keys and hurry so I can drive to Duncan's house. The visit ended up being a total success. Usually I wasn't this happy which scared me. The drive to Duncan's house was a long one since I didn't want to show up too early. I knew he probably wouldn't mind but at the same time who wanted to be early for anything? I cranked up the music in my car and left the windows open. For once I didn't care. I had my best friend back and a boyfriend I could go to.

**Authors note**

Sorry this chapter is so short I haven't been very productive lately but I promise I will try to make longer chapters❤️❤️

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