-5- Axel💓

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Axel! Axel wait up!

I turned to see Amber running after me with books in one hand and a paper in the other. She was out of breath by the time she approached me but I helped her put her books in her locker. She thanked me and handed me a paper which was folded a bunch of times and torn a little bit. I was confused for a second but read what stood on the paper.

Your eyes blue like the ocean

You hair golden like the sun

I may not be perfect

But I know one thing

You're all I think about

A beauty inside and out

I read it at least three times before looking at Amber and trying not to smirk. Amber looked pissed and I handed the paper back to her, fidgeting with my hands. Amber put down her bag and stared at me willingly.

"Anything you wanna tell me? asked Amber

"I have no idea what you're talking about.

"So you're telling me you didn't write this? I know you Axel, only you could write as good as this.

"Alright! Fine I wrote it. I only did it cause Jake asked me too. He said it was for English I had no idea why he really wanted it.

Ambers facial expression changed and her features became soft and caring again.

"Thank goodness. I thought you were gonna ditch me to be part of Erins group. I thought-

I grabbed her arm and I hugged her tightly. It was something I did to always help her calm down. After a while we pulled apart and she smiled.

"Amber you're my best friend. I'd never leave you no matter what. Remember that. Besides Erin's not my type.

Amber smirked.

"Oh I know. No girl's ever your type.

I punched her on the arm and she dodged, giving me a scowl before picking up her bag and linking our arms. She dropped the subject but she was wasn't wrong. I liked talking to girls and had no problem befriending them , I just never saw them being more than that. Friends. I never really felt attraction towards girls and Amber noticed this early on. She had asked me if I was gay a few years back and I wanted to say no but if I did I was lying to myself.

I found guys attractive and I could see myself with one , I just wasn't someone to make the first move or even find anyone. Amber made jokes sometimes and whenever I'd tell her to drop the subject she'd do so. We walked a little further and entered the cafeteria. By now the news of Erin's secret admirer was all anyone could talk about and every table we passed either had theories about who it was or why they did it. We walked a little faster and soon we were at our table.

Erick was already there waiting for us and I excused myself to go get my book I left in my locker. When I came back my lunch was already on the table and I sat down , opening my book and trying to eat while not spilling anything on the pages. Ericks arm was around Ambers waist and she was busy showing him something she'd made in art class. He smiled and gave her compliments which she appreciated. My eyes were focused on my book but once in a while I would look up at my surroundings.

I looked up and spotted Duncan looking straight at me. I felt my cheeks redden and couldn't bring myself to look down. Duncan looked down and I assumed that I must've scared him. My eyes were once again focused in by book but after a few minutes I looked up again hoping to find Duncan's blue eyes. I found them and this time neither of us looked away. Amber called me and I broke our eye contact. Duncan was talking to Jake now and I felt a bit upset but shook it off.

"Axel? Who are you looking at? said Erick as he tried to find my gaze.

"What? Oh no one. Just some girl at the popular table.

"Now that's a lie. Who is he? asked Amber half smiling.

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide my face as Amber and Erick both searched for the person I was looking at. Duncan looked at our table again and casually turned back to Jake. Amber must've seen him stare because she whispered something in Ericks ear and he had a smirk on his face. I heaved a sigh and closed my book before rolling my eyes immensely. These two were so annoying sometimes and the fact that they were in a relationship somehow made it worse.

"It's Duncan isn't it? Oh my god! My best friend's in love with a jock.

"First of all I'm not in love with him. Second it doesn't even matter. And third-

"He's totally looking over here, said Erick as he turned around.

"Guys! Can we please not look over there? You guys are embarrassing me.

They both turned around and then burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes and opened my book again. Amber took it from me and placed it on the table. I reached for it but Erick took it from her. He placed it next to him and I gave them both a questioning look.

"All Erick means is he's looking over here cause he's into you.

"He's a jock and I'm a nerd. Besides he's not gay. And even if he is I'm definitely not.

"You sure about that Axel? asked Erick

"You know what? I don't have to sit here and listen to this. I'll see you in chemistry.

I took my book and left the cafeteria , trying to hide my anger. I know Erick meant it as a joke but I couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't. I didn't know what I was anymore and that scared me more than anything. I headed to the library before Amber could find me and spent the rest of break there.

The librarian Mrs. Zellner was super nice and always greeted me when I came in. I sat at the back where no one could see me and continued reading. Five minutes later the bell rang and I headed to class.
Amber was already there sitting at the back with Erick and I joined them. Pretty soon the class was full of students and Jake and his friends joined us at the back. Mr. O'Brien , and yes this is the same guy who's my neighbour, entered the class and put on the data projector. He had made a PowerPoint and excitement was written all over his face.

"Good afternoon class. As you all know it's that time of the year again.

The whole class started complaining and Mr. O'Brien found this extremely funny. All he did was shake his head.

"That's right. Nothing like a group project to improve your grades.

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