22: Duncan/Axel💫💓

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Duncan's P.O.V

"Are you sure I look okay? Erick asks as we finished putting on our suits for prom one last time.

"Erick relax. Prom is in three weeks and even if you wanted to switch it would be chaos now.

He still wouldn't stop cautiously looking at himself in the mirror and I was forced to basically pull him out of the way. I was satisfied with my suit and I couldn't wait to see what Axel was wearing. I had a feeling it would blow me away. Eric on the other hand couldn't stop looking at his outfit. As if he was afraid at any minute something bad would take place. I rolled my eyes at him and changed clothes , checking the time by doing so.

" We need to get dressed. Coach will kill us if we're late.

" Can you believe it's the last game we're  ever gonna play in high school? Last time ever.

" Too bad it's the only game that I'm actually going to have a boyfriend attend, I say as I put on my uniform.

Erick smiles and puts in his uniform too , probably from the nerves of playing for the last time. I for one had no idea that I'd be playing today. Since I had come out I figured the school would replace me with someone else or Jake since he was the second best player. Erick seemed thrilled that they still let me play and I could understand why. Jake had been a jerk towards Erick even before everything but now it was worse.  I had decided that if Jake  wanted trouble I was not going to stand back and let him hurt someone. It was my last act as football captain. 

Erick seemed to struggle with his laces and I bent down to help him. His mind seemed occupied somewhere else and suddenly I could understand his obsession with his suit earlier. As I was tying his laces, I watched him try and say something.

"Erick? Everything okay?

"I- promise you won't tell anyone? he asks looking nervous and like he was scared the walls had eyes.

"It's a safe space. Besides the other guys are all outside talking to the cheerleaders. It's just us.

"I-... I think I might be bisexual.

I didn't know why he was so nervous telling me, since he knew I was gay. I finished tying his shoelace and pulled him up to hug him, which I could tell he was not expecting. I could hear him release a breath of relief and it makes me happy that he could trust me with something like that. We pull apart and he seems less nervous than before, happy even. 

" I'm proud of you man. Coming outs a hard thing to do. You did great.

"Thanks D. It means a lot to me that you're supporting me. I'm still new at this whole thing.

"I just have one question if you don't mind me asking.

He shakes his head and I can feel his nerves returning.

"Who's the guy that made you head over heels? It's that new male cheerleader isn't it? I ask knowing the answer.

He nods and shoves me playfully in the ribs which I gladly accept. We've been through a lot of tough shit and to be standing here laughing is a miracle. I could hear the crowd screaming outside and thanked the heavens that Erick was standing behind me or I might've passed out completely.  Erick on the other hand seemed completely calm and opened the door , stepping outside onto the field. I follow shortly after him and gather  my breath as thousands of fans scream at the top of their lungs. The cheerleaders are doing casual spins and twirls catching they eyes of the crowd.

It felt strange , being on the field with a crowd so giant. There the cheerleaders were , dancing and entertaining the crowd and I had myself searching for one person only. Axel was in the second row from the front, looking happy as he watched the game and I noticed he was sitting with Trish. Amber was still cheerleading captain and as Erick went to greet her, I hurried over to Axel. I wanted to see him before the game starts. Trish had on a cheerleading uniform and a jersey from one of the players , I just couldn't figure out who. The colors of blue and yellow were illuminated in the spotlight and I made sure it to look directly at them.

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