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"Do you need to leave? It's the Quidditch World Cup finals!" I pleaded.

A cool wind blew across my face as I tried to hold back tears. Competing for my parents' attention had been a lifelong struggle. No, I wasn't blessed with any siblings, I contested with their careers. They worked for the Ministry of Magic in the department of external affairs.

I wished they picked me over their latest assignment as I wrapped an arm around each of them and they held me close. My fingers dug deep into their skin, not wanting the embrace to end.

"Darling, we will be there at Kings Cross to see you off for your fourth year at Hogwarts. You take care of yourself." My mum planted a kiss on my head, and in an instance they disappeared. I stood there for a long moment praying for them to apparate back. As I felt the last bit of hope drain off, I let out a small sigh and turned around to face The Burrow, my second home.

I dragged my bags towards the main door. The smell of cinnamon and freshly baked bread diffused in the air around the flimsy looking structure, held in place with the help of magic. The loud chatter beyond the walls made me smile. Before I could knock, the door flung open. A tall figure stood at the entrance, his ginger hair glistened in the moon light. "What took you so long?" George whispered. A smirk plastered across his angelic face with a hint of sparkle in his hazel eyes.

The only good thing to come off my parent's numerous tours was that it led me to George Weasley. As fate would have it, Mr. Weasley was more than happy to babysit for his workaholic colleagues. Hence, I grew up with the Weasley kids, seven of them. But there was something about George Weasley. I took an interest in him when we first met. Well, to be honest, I was four and unlike his siblings he offered to share his chocolate frog with me. It surprised our parents to see an unlikely friendship develop between a twin who refused to quit burning down his house and an antisocial lass immersed in her books, with a toy broom for a friend. While I considered George to be my best friend, he, unfortunately had found his in the womb. I settled for the second spot.

I ran into the Burrow, launched myself off the floor and flung my hands around his neck. He held me close to his chest while my feet dangled mid-air. He had grown taller over the summer. I dug my head deep into his neck while he showered the side of my head with kisses. He smelled like fresh meadow drizzled with a hint of cinnamon. Gosh, I missed him.

"Well well well, the crazy Ravenclaw is here." Fred Weasley announced as he ran towards me. The twins looked identical in all physical aspects, tall, exceptionally attractive, red-haired, yet they exhibited very different personalities. I struggled to free myself from George's embrace, he would not let go of me. Fred on the other hand did not stop to greet me and ran straight out through the open door. I eyed George, confused. He simply shrugged.

"Where is your mum?" Fred questioned. He vigorously ran his fingers through his messy red hair in an attempt to set it as his hazel eyes wandered outside in search of something. "Seriously Fred, it is not funny anymore." I glared.

It had not taken Fred long to discover the effect he had on the opposite sex. His flirty banter, his smirk, and his bad-boy image made girls go weak in their knees. He utilized his inherent charm to the fullest. But the weird fixation he had on my mother made me want to puke. Well aware of my father's temper, the thought of Fred landing my dad a one-way ticket to Azkaban while he partied in hell swamped my mind.

"Yes, she left! Hand in hand with my FATHER" I said emphasizing on the word father. "Jeez Fred! She is my mother! Makes me sick when you act this way!" Fred chose to ignore my statements and hugged me from the back. Sandwiched between the tall Weasley twins, I struggled to breathe. Half the girls at school would have killed to be in that position, but for me, it was just my best friend and an annoying philanderer.

"Let go of her!" I heard the sweet sound of Mrs. Weasley's voice. I broke free from the twins' clasp and ran towards her, hugging her tight. Mr. Weasley shook my hand with enthusiasm. "It's good to have you back, Nat!" They welcomed me into their family as one of their own. My parents and I were grateful for having them in our life.

"The girls are upstairs. They are waiting for you." I felt George's eyes trace my path as I sprinted upstairs. Hermione and Ginny sat on the latter's bed talking. In the next moment Hermione's bushy hair covered my face as she embraced me in a tight hug while Ginny hung from my left shoulder! I felt loved. "Let's get this party started," Ginny yelled at the top of her voice.

We spoke about the holidays, classes, and boys before George barged into the room unannounced. "Dinner is ready." His eyes fixed on me. "You call me your best friend and spend all your time locked in here with these two nut jobs?"

"Hey, who did you call nut jobs!" Hermione protested. I planned to spend more time with the girls. A few incidents over the previous year made me realize I couldn't share every aspect of my life with George, I needed my girls.

"You can't expect Nat to spend every living second with you Georgie!" Ginny pushed George out of her room. George simply walked right back in a second later. "You better get used to sharing her dear brother. She is not going remain single for long!" Ginny winked at me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" George looked at me confused.

God alone knew what Ginny meant. The one boy who showed the slightest interest in me graduated last year. I was as single as single could get. "I plan to ask Pansy out. I can't stop picturing her naked." I lied. Three jaws hit the floor and I suppressed a smirk. There had been this Ravenclaw theory that Gryffindors were the most gullible lot. Hence proved.

The smell of gravy flooded my nostrils causing my stomach to grumble. I rushed past the shocked Gryffindors and headed downstairs only to crash into Percy.


"Natasha." He greeted halfheartedly. It looked like he had just gotten back from work.

"You know what Percy?" I fluttered my eyes at him.

"Here we go again, what do you want Natasha?" he replied with a small fake smile. He couldn't stand to be around me for long because I annoyed him, a skill I picked up from the twins. He maintained minimum eye contact.

"Your smile is like Expelliarmus, simple, but disarming." I winked, causing Hermione and Ginny to giggle. Percy turned red, rolled his eyes, and walked off. I felt George's large palm wrap across my mouth from behind. "You have got to stop with all the nonsense!" he whispered sternly into my ears. His warm breath hit my neck causing my heart rate to accelerate. It wasn't the first time it had happened, but I was good at ignoring such spikes to ensure the friendship survived.

Ron sat at the dinner table devouring a chicken leg. I ran up to him and ruffled his red hair. "Hey Nat," he said, his eyes focused on the food in front of him. My heart skipped a beat when I looked up from Ron's hair. Right across Ron, stood Bill Weasley. Tall and handsome as ever, he had the makings of a Greek God. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sure made beautiful babies. Bill helped Mrs. Weasley set up the table, his flaming red hair fell over his eyes, he had a chiseled jawline and a sweet smile plastered on his lips.

"Hey kiddo." he greeted me. I reminded myself to breathe, I felt the oxygen being sucked out of the room. Boys never had that impact on me, but Bill was an outlier. I mentally cursed the 10-year age gap between us. If he ever asked me to jump off a cliff I would do it. No questions asked. I fumbled for words. "Erm hi," I almost squeaked. Bill resumed setting the table.

"You have a little bit of drool. Right there." Fred pointed. If Fred who possessed the emotional range of a teaspoon could read my body language, everyone would have. I raised my leg and stomped it on his right foot as hard as I could. "Ouch! Nat!"

I took a seat far away from Bill but found my eyes on him every few minutes.

"It is disgusting, get over him!" George whispered as he sat next to me. So now he had decided to mouth his opinion? "Your twin ran across the living room like a maniac to get a glimpse of my mother, and you find this disgusting?" I glared at my best friend. 

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat