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"What did we discuss about flirting with guys that are not me?" George stood outside my class. "I wasn't flirting George!" I quickly made my way towards the library. Thankfully he followed, the more distance I could put in between George and Malfoy, the longer Malfoy would live. I remembered the humiliation from last night and couldn't bring myself to maintain any form of eye contact.

"Flitwick must be bloody brilliant to make blonde blush." I did not react "Looks like Mrs. Malfoy is on the lookout for a pure-blood daughter-in-law, do you need help filling out the application form?" he continued. He had listened in on my conversation with Malfoy. I saw a long tubular structure stick out of the corner of his pocket. It was the extendable ears prototype. "And who the fuck is Adrian now?"

I took my normal spot in the library and pretended to read. George sat in the chair beside me waiting for me to say something. I was confident if I opened my mouth things would escalate, it was best to give him some time to calm down. His temper was justified, if I heard George and Johnson discuss about the kiss, they shared I would lose my mind too. I stared at the book mentally planning a move that would cause minimum damage.

After a few minutes of silence George spoke again. "How much does your shoe cost?" My heart fell. Bloody Malfoy. I put down my book and looked at George. A painful frown dawned on his forehead as he stared at my feet. "I couldn't afford to buy you one of those. Malfoy was right, you are way out of my league. What was I thinking! You would never be happy with me." I felt my eyes fill up. I left my chair and sat on his lap and showered his head with kisses. He wrapped his hands around my waist and hid his face in my chest. I could feel his tears wet my shirt. How could I put into words what he meant to me? The dim wit didn't know his own value, being in the shadows of Fred did come with its drawbacks. It made me sad.

I raised my voice "What is wrong with you! I have spent half my life at the Burrow with you, did I once look sad? If my house was one tenth as happy and cheerful as the Burrow, trust me Weasley I would have never left it." I heard him sniffle as continued to present my points. "You are way out of my league Weasley! How does an antisocial element like me land one of the most popular boy in school, it totally beats me. Four years in Hogwarts and I have made three friends, Cho, Padma and Luna. I am just lucky that you were stupid enough to fall for me." I paused to breathe. I dug my hand into his hair and pulled it backward which made his face jerk up at me. I couldn't get over how cute he looked in that moment staring up at my face.

I intended get rid of all his insecurities. I knew finances were high on the list, "When have I ever needed expensive shoes or clothes! Do you know what I am most comfortable in? Percy's baggy tees, they never have a single wrinkle, smell so divine and it makes me feel like I am one of you! I have had the best laughs with you at the Burrow, you have made me nothing but happy Georgie!"

"Remind me to burn Percy's tee shirts," George mumbled against my chest. It was working!

"My mother had to charm my earrings to prevent me from taking them off, I am still trying to get rid of them. Do you feel I would be happy, adorned with expensive jewelry following dining etiquettes at a place like the Malfoy manor?"

"You would murder someone and land up in Azkaban."

"And my shoes! I didn't even know that they were expensive till moronic Malfoy opened his mouth. Look at them covered in dirt and grime does it look like I care? Meanwhile, the golden heels you gave me are in my locker. Not a single day goes by without me admiring them."

George looked up from my chest. "Why would you do that? One of Fred's girls left it in our room. I don't even know which one, but you had the same size feet, so I let you borrow them for the Yule Ball."

"What! That is disgusting! I kissed them a couple of times!" Now I felt like crying.

"I am only joking, Nat. I got them for you." George laughed. I didn't find it funny.

"I am getting into the family with or without your help Georgie! I mean you have five brothers I can easily get one of them to marry me. I could learn about dragons from Hagrid and floor Charlie, Percy I just need to..."

Before I could finish George cut me, "That's not helping, please stop! You are very much a part of the family. Fred was right, you Ravenclaws are scary. I don't know if I feel better now or worse." He was smiling. I let out a sigh of relief and planted a kiss on the tip of his nose. "Nat, I am sorry about last night. I felt like I didn't deserve you, I was in a very bad place. I should never have let Malfoy's words get to me. I love you." He leaned in to kiss me.

"Not so soon Weasley! Last night was humiliating. You should have told me about this yesterday instead of barging off without any explanation." He hung his head down. The library was completely empty, no Hermione in sight. In addition to it, the spot I had chosen was in a secluded corner hidden away behind bookshelves. I placed my finger on his chin and lifted his face. "Make up for yesterday. Show me you are sorry Georgie, maybe I will forgive you" I winked at him. I left his lap and walked towards a bookshelf pretending to search for a book. The countless times I had imagined myself pinned against a bookshelf in the library, I was going to make it happen. There was something about a library that turned me on in ways no other place could.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw George scan the surroundings. A naughty smirk spread across his face. I ran my fingers over the various book covers as I relished the smell of old books. George walked up to me from the back. I felt his fingers gently slide the robe off my shoulders, down my arms. Once my robe lay on the library floor, he crashed his body against my back making sure every inch touched. "I am going to make you regret this." He whispered into my ears. I highly doubted that. I gently arched my hip into his as I innocently continued to browse through the shelf.

George began to nibble on my ear as his palms travelled up torso to my tie. Some quick finger action and my tie lay on the floor with my robe. Now I could feel the heat rise. His fingers were now playing with my collar button. "May I?" I simply nodded. "Let me hear you say it love."

"Don't stop till I ask you to." I shot back which caused him to smile against my ear. His palms slowly travelled down my torso as he undid a couple of more buttons. He pulled the shirt collar towards my right arm which left my shoulder completely exposed to him. His mouth left my ears and began to travel down my newly exposed skin. I tilted my head in the opposite directions to provide more surface area. While one of his hands kept my shirt fabric off my shoulder the other wrapped around my stomach pulling me closer into him. I melted into the soft kisses he planted on my shoulder. When my bra strap obstructed his contact with my skin, he used his teeth slid it off my shoulder.

Slowly his kissed began to get more aggressive. He sucked on various point of my exposed neck and shoulder. It didn't take him long to find my sweet spot causing me to moan resting the back of my head against his chest. I could feel a pool form. I rubbed my palm on the back of his thigh pulling him closer into my back and lightly moved my hips against his. I felt his bulge rise. He made me feel things I had never feel before. It wasn't a short make out session, but it left me craving for more. He had earned his forgiveness.

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now