Tri-Wizard Tournament

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I sobbed in an empty toilet on the Hogwarts Express when the train left the station. I had looked all over for my parents, they promised they would be there. My parents loved their job, whatever it was that they did for the ministry. Each time they left for a new assignment I could see the glow on their faces. I theorized that I was an unplanned child, something life had thrown at them when the thrill of an assignment caused them to forget contraception.

On the day of the Quidditch world cup I understood something was wrong with me, I desperately needed to talk to my mother about it. A loud bang on the toilet door interrupted my thoughts.

"You have been in there long enough. I need to take a piss. Now!" A cold voice yelled.

I knew exactly who it was. I dried my tears, put on a brave face and stepped out. "Next time you disturb me while I am taking a piss Malfoy, I will..." I could not complete my threat. Malfoy pulled me into a hug. The smell of expensive cologne filled my nostrils. "It is going to be alright" he whispered. On any other day, if Malfoy had so much as laid a finger on me, I would have hexed him. But not today, it felt nice to be comforted, even if it was by the most annoying prick at school. I stepped away when I felt his body fidget.

"Stay right here" he ordered before rushing into the toilet. So, I did the exact opposite, I left immediately in search of empty seats, but the train was packed. I came across the twins sitting with Lee, Angelina, Katie, and Alicia. Ninety percent of the Gryffindor Quidditch team was here. If I blew up the coach injured the players, Ravenclaw would surely win the Quidditch cup. Pure evil! What was wrong with me!

The Gryffindor Quidditch team sure were a close bunch, Lee the Quidditch commentator did nothing to hide his feelings for Angelina. Fred probably had scored with all three Gryffindor chasers. Angelina was in love with the twins, yes, both of them while Katie fancied George. The group hung out all the time! Highly dysfunctional if you asked me. How I knew these details? Well, that I WOOD not tell anyone.

"Hey Nat, we saved you a seat!" Lee pointed at George's lap. I wasn't going to let him get away with it. "Check Fred's lap Lee, you will find your girl's hand buried deep into it" Angelina almost jumped out of her seat withdrawing her hand, Fred on the other hand didn't even flinch. I continued my seat search.

I finally spotted Padma Patil and ran in to hug her. "Where have you been! I was so bored! Look at them, just look at them. They have been going at it since we left the station."

I looked across and found Cho and Cedric snogging. They were adorable! It made me sad, I was happy that they had found each other but I felt sad for myself. I wasn't even close to having someone love me the way Cedric and Cho loved each other.

A lot happened over dinner that day. Dumbledore had declared the start of the tri-wizard tournament! We had welcomed students from Drumstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy. Victor Krum who won the World Cup for Bulgaria was there too! Unfortunately, they had placed an age limit to enter the tournament and only the seventh years qualified, but it was all still very exciting! Out of habit, my eyes scanned the Gryffindor table in search of Oliver, but he wasn't there. Instead, my eyes met George's. I wriggled my eyebrows at him, but he simply looked away. It almost felt like he knew what I was searching for.

"Can you believe it? They cancelled Quidditch!" Adrian Pucey leaned backwards from the Slytherin table. His back almost touched mine. Adrian was a Slytherin chaser, a bloody good one. He undoubtedly was my favorite rival. Of course, Oliver was good, but he was a keeper, I only faced him at the goal post. With Adrian it was a continuous battle for the Quaffle, the adrenaline rushes this boy caused was unimaginable.

"Yeah, it's disheartening. You don't get a chance to lose to me this year." I leaned back in my seat too, to get a view of his face, as the top half of our bodies now blocked the narrow walkway between the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables. My left shoulder pressed against his, I looked into his dark eyes which had a hint of mischief. A sweet smile plastered across his lips. He was the nicest Slytherin I knew but only off the Quidditch field. He turned into a ruthless maniac on the field.

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