Bloody Ear

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I woke up to George planting soft kisses all over my face, he was mine. The thought made me smile. I felt unusually light and almost skipped to breakfast that day. Nothing could dampen my spirit.

"So?" Cho, Padma and Luna surrounded me as soon as I sat down for breakfast. They waited for me to speak.

"My friendship with George is officially ruined. He is mine." I blushed. The girls were happy for me. Cho even invited us on a double date while Luna blabbered on about gingers and their inherent lovemaking skills. I spotted George arrive for breakfast, with Fred and Lee by his side. He blew me a kiss from across the room. He looked delighted. As he passed Ginny, he planted a kiss on the top of her head as he tried to kiss Ron, Ron pulled out his wand.

After breakfast I headed to Herbology class. My hand was buried in a pile of dirt when I felt someone walk up to me.

"Did he drug you?" I knew exactly who it was by the smell of his expensive cologne. "I could have the Weasley twins expelled in no time." Malfoy spat.

"Nobody drugged me! Leave me alone Malfoy, I don't have time for this conversation." I picked a mansept seed and placed in the large hole in the dirt.

"You willingly exchanged saliva with that Weasel?" He placed his arms on my waist spinning me around to face him. He looked grim. Who had given him the right to lay his hands on me? I looked down at his hands perched on either side of my hip. He immediately pulled away and mumbled an apology.

"I am pleased to announce that he is my boyfriend Malfoy. Not to mention that I absolutely loved having his tongue down my throat. Thank you for your concern, but I can take care of myself."

Malfoy looked livid with anger. He moved closer to me. I had to strain my neck to maintain eye contact. Color rose into his normally pale face as he clenched his fists. "I forbid you from ever seeing him again. I do not want you anywhere near that filthy Weasley!" Malfoy hissed. Why did people feel that they could boss me around and get away with it! Malfoy! He was hardly even a friend!

I laughed out so loud that I got thrown out of class. I wasn't upset, I needed to distance myself from Malfoy else I was positive I would break his bones. I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the greenhouse trying hard to concentrate on my breathing. The library was probably my best bet at this time, it would be empty, and I could hide behind a book. I wasn't going to let Malfoy spoil my day. A smile spread across my face when I recollected how wonderful my morning had started off, waking up to George's soft kisses.

I entered the castle when I felt a cold palm wrap around my wrist. "I am not done with you yet." Malfoy hissed. His platinum blonde hair blew in the breeze. He had a deep frown on his face and his grey eyes were fixed on me. Why was he not in class?

"Who might you be, my father? You need to get a mental assessment done Draco, you are out of your mind." I almost felt sad for him. His upbringing had probably caused the uproar. His mother and her family disowned his aunt for falling in love with a muggle-born boy. Draco had been brainwashed his entire life. I came from a pure blood family, but our families had very different views. I was positive if given the opportunity my parents would gladly trade me off for the muggle-born Hermione Granger!

Just then a large group of Gryffindors walked out of the Great Hall. This was going to be a blood bath. I was scared for Draco.

"Run Malfoy." I whispered. But he stood there clutching my wrist in his palm attempting to explain how dating George Weasley wasn't a good idea. He was suicidal, I thought to myself. I remembered him nearly getting himself killed by the Hypogriff last year and getting beaten up by the Weasley twins the year before for calling Hermione a mudblood. He never learnt!

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now