Electric Fireplace

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"It is time to go get Harry. 4 Privet Drive." Mr. Weasley uttered as he stepped into the fireplace. Fred and George followed. It was my turn next.

"4 Privet Drive." I knew something was wrong. Harry's fireplace was sealed shut. I found myself crushed between three tall Weasleys unable to breathe. A pair of strong arms moved me from the center of the fireplace to up against a wall where I could inhale again. The fireplace was dark, it took some time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

George stood in front of me, I rested my head on his shoulders and prayed for the ordeal to end. George bought his face in level with mine "Are you okay?" he asked as he studied my expressions. I simply nodded.

"Ask Ron not to come" Fred yelled. But it was too late. George's body suddenly pushed up against mine. To make matters worse Hermione arrived screaming at the top of her voice. I began to feel claustrophobic, completely trapped in between the wall and George. He placed his hands on either side of me on the wall and pushed against his siblings, in an attempt to shield me from the chaos behind him. I felt a bead of sweat trickle down his neck and onto my forehead as I buried my face into his neck. "I am fine," I assured him when he glanced down.

Ginny popped in right behind George which resulted in him grinding against me, that's when I felt a small bulge form near my stomach. I gasped and peeked at him. He avoided all eye contact while struggling to move away. I could feel my face heat up. I stood on my tiptoes and whispered into his ear, "Enjoying it are we?" I joked.

In an instance, his breath shortened as I felt a moan leave his lips. Had I imagined it? Clearly, it was not the reaction I expected, I dug my head deep into his chest to dampen my laughter. His smirk reappeared as he lowered his face down to my ear, his lips grazed my ear lobe "I will make you pay for this," I bit my lip. I noticed Fred wriggling his eyebrows at us from across the fireplace. That jackass!

Mr. Weasley finally managed to get his wand out and blast open the fireplace. He rushed out and the rest of us collapsed on each other like a stack of cards.

"You look comfortable," Fred whispered to George looking at the two of us. George immediately stood up and lifted me off the floor. "I will get the suitcases from your room, Harry," he announced as he rushed out of sight. Fred followed him. Hermione was still on the floor with Ron on top of her. They slowly stood up both their faces bright red. I ran and gave Harry a tight hug, I was thrilled to see him but the environment in the room was tense. I couldn't wait to get back to the burrow.

Fred and George returned with Harry's luggage. Fred grinned from ear to ear. I knew that look all too well! Oh no, they were up to something, and I sure wanted nothing to do with it. Their jokes were always funny, unfortunately, they never got away with it! I hated seeing Mrs. Weasley in distress, however, Fred would not hesitate to bury me alive if I ever snitched on him. "The Burrow" I yelled as I stepped into the electric fireplace. I did the only logical thing; I fled the scene.

The next morning, I was up early. Hermione and Ginny were still in bed, I tiptoed down the staircase avoiding all the ones that creaked. Bill and Percy were in the kitchen dressed up for work. Bill looked stunning in his perfectly tailored work outfit. "Morning," he smiled. I froze.

"I am out of here" Percy declared as he saw me enter the room. He headed out avoiding any eye contact. I was alone in the room with Bill Weasley, a setting I had always prayed for. A thousand sinful ideas flooded my mind. Consumed with lust, I wondered how sturdy the dining table was. The kitchen counter would work. 'No, not the kitchen counter. Mrs. Weasley would kill me!' I thought to myself.

"There is tea in the kettle." Bill pointed snapping me out of my trance.

"Err thanks," I managed to reply as I poured out some tea.

"So, what is brewing between you and my brother?" I almost choked.

"Oh! I just enjoy embarrassing Percy. I love it when he turns all pink and runs around like a headless chicken." Bill laughed. I had made Bill Weasley laugh!

"Oh no, I am not talking about him." What did he mean? He saw my confused expression and immediately changed the topic. "Dad took Mum for a quick getaway, the twins stressed her out last night. They should be back in a couple of days. Meanwhile, the house is yours, just make sure that the twins don't blow it up. I got to go to work." He got up to leave. "You are in charge Nat, George you listen to her!" and Bill was gone. I felt like I could breathe again. Wait, what?

George was standing right behind me. His hair was a mess, he looked grumpy. Of course, he had to ruin my perfect moment with Bill. "How long have you been there! Good morning. Bill made some tea, it's in the kettle...."

"That look! This is pathetic, it makes me want to throw up." He scoffed. I forgot how this Weasley could read me like a book.

"Get over it! I am going to marry him," I teased. "I will be the next Mrs. Weasley." George looked like he was in pain.

Right at that moment, Fred jumped down a flight of stairs," Paaaaaarrrrrtttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", he yelled at the top of his voice. 

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now