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My head was throbbing. It felt like my skull would shatter at any moment. I slowly opened my eyes. I was on the floor in the Weasley's living room. How did I get here? I tied to recollect the details from the previous night but failed miserably. Ron and Hemione were sleeping close to my feet. Someone had thrown blankets over all of us. George was lying on his chest in front of me. His hand wrapped around my waist. His face dug into his pillow while his ginger hair glistened in the sun. I couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked in his sleep. I ran my fingers through his hair, it felt soft and smelled of vanilla.

"What are you doing?", I heard George's voice come from across the room. Oh my God! This was Fred, I pulled my hand off and immediately and rolled away. "Morning Georgie," I could barely manage to stand. George was sitting on his favorite armchair glaring at me. If looks could kill I'd be dead by now. I dragged myself into the kitchen for a cup of water. "You need to sit down," came Percy's voice.

"Rough night? Have some water, Nat", Bill handed me a glass of water. Bill and Percy were dressed for work. I was pretty sure that I looked like shit, but my headache was a bigger problem at this point.

"What did you do to him?" Bill pointed at George, perched on his armchair still glaring at me. I shrugged." Georgie, get in here. Take care of your girl! I am off to work." I was not George's girl I wanted to correct him but before I could, Bill and Percy had left the house.

George whipped up some breakfast. He did not utter a word. I observed him closely his cheeks were scarlet, he had an intense frown on his face and refused to acknowledge my throbbing head. I tried hard to recollect what I had done to make him so furious. I had woken up besides Fred Weasley! How did I land there? The color drained off my face. Various possible scenarios flashed in front of my eyes each worse than the previous. It made me cringe.

George slammed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me accompanied by a weird-looking liquid. "I am not drinking this crap!" The green color fluid had begun to bubble. He shot me a death glare. I immediately emptied it into my mouth, that Weasley did have control over me! In an instant, my head had stopped throbbing. Wow, it felt good. "What is that! It is a lifesaver!"

"Talk to me, Georgie!" George was staring at his plate of scrambled eggs. Patience had never been a strength of mine. "Enjoy staring at your eggs, I am going back to bed." I got up to leave the kitchen.

George sprung up from his chair and blocked my path. I tried to hide a smirk; I knew pretending to go back to sleep besides Fred would earn me a response from him. What I had not anticipated was his aggression, I tried to push him away to get past.

"Let me go!" He did not budge. I fought to get past him for a couple of minutes more. I could feel my temper rise and my right palm had unconsciously wrapped itself around my wand. "Going to hurt me, are you?" George whispered. "You are begging for it. Let me go." I spat back.

Within the next second, I found myself pinned up against the kitchen wall with both my hands above my head held in place by George's right palm while he twirled my wand in his left. A smirk plastered across his face. I felt a surge of anger as I wrestled to break free! He would not let go! I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths to control my rage. It helped.

I still had my words! I put on a seductive smirk. George's eyebrows shot up, so that seemed to have worked. I leaned into him, not once breaking eye contact, and whispered "Oh, what I would do to have Bill in place of you right now," as I bit the edge of my lips.

The smirk vanished from his face, but his grip tightened. His face inched closer to mine. Was he going to kiss me? He looked dead into my eyes "You are mine, Nat, only mine" he said through gritted teeth. "The faster you understand it the better!" His aggression scared me a little.

In a sweeping motion he placed me on his shoulder and headed upstairs. My heart began to pound in my chest. He was taking me to his room! I did not resist. I was not sure if it was the alcohol or the rage that turned me on, but the throbbing was back. Only this time it wasn't my head. He was my best friend! "It's just Georgie," I reiterated in my head. He slammed the door shut and flung me on his bed. It felt so good! He stared at me for a long moment before covering me with a blanket. He then walked across the room and crashed on Fred's bed. I turned over and buried my head in his pillow. What had just happened?

I found myself trying to comprehend the range of emotions I had gone through in the past three minutes. Frustration, anger, fear, lust, and anxiety, I felt it all. I sure needed to rest.

"Why didn't you tell me about Oliver?" What! How did he know about Oliver? My eyes were wide open, I couldn't sleep now! That explained a lot, at least it wasn't Fred! Thank God. Left to George, he would ensure that I died a virgin, I groaned. Memories with Oliver came flooding back, I immediately had a sinking feeling in my chest. "There is nothing to tell Georgie." He was staring at the ceiling.

George should not have found out about Oliver, he would never understand. "Nothing? You were weeping on my shoulder last night Nat. Are you with him?" He sounded unusually calm. I didn't want to have this conversation. The time spent with Oliver was special, it was our little secret and it felt more like a dream.

Did I weep? "It must have been the alcohol."

"Are you with him, Nat?" George had now turned on his side to face me. His face pale and emotionless. I couldn't read it.

I wish I was. "No! I would scream it from the rooftops if I was with him." George frowned.

"He picked students dying over Quidditch being canceled last year! You would not have lasted a month, the only thing he can talk about is Quidditch. I can discuss Quidditch with you if you like it so much, you don't need Wood for that."

"Wow! This is the reason I do not discuss boys with you!"

George sprung off the bed. "Boys! There are more?" I disregarded his question. I had to understand his qualms about Oliver. "Oliver is a perfectly good guy. He is smart, kind, and he treated me well."

George cut me off, his tone had changed. "Treated you well my arse! The number of times he has asked me to knock off your head with a bludger. I wish I had listened to him. You probably would have come to your senses." He screamed.

I could feel my temper rise as I sat upright on the bed and matched his decibel levels. "What is your problem, Weasley? You are not my father! Seriously! Why do find faults with every guy interested in me? All Dean's clothes went missing the day we were supposed to go to Hogsmeade together! The boy does not even look at me anymore. You hexed Zabini because he spoke to me! And Jeremy.."

"He was all over you!"

"We lost the Quidditch finals, he was comforting me! You knocked him off with a bludger after the match was over, you moron!" George was smirking! Smirking back at me! My fists were clenched tight, my nails dug deep into my palm. I resisted the urge to bring out my wand point it squarely at his chest.

"Did anyone tell you that you have anger management issues?"

"Aaaagh! Did anyone tell you that you are a dick head?" I stomped off. I got to the kitchen when I realized that our screams had woken everyone up. They all looked at me stunned. Great! Now they all knew about Oliver! The image of George and his bloody smirk popped up. He had to have a piece of my mind! I did a 180-degree flip and headed back into his room slamming the door behind me. He sat on the edge of Fred's bed. "Back for more?" That bloody smirk was still present.

I grabbed his jaw between my right palm and squished his cheek in an attempt to get rid of that smirk. I jerked his head upwards to make eye contact and whispered so no one else could hear us, "You know someone who worships my temper? Draco Malfoy. Mark my words Weasley, the next time I get stood up by a perfectly good guy because all his clothes are stuck on the ceiling of your dorm, I will find Malfoy, drag him into the first broom closet, and shag the life out of him! My blood status alone is enough to give him an orgasm."

I let go of his cheeks and his face fell. He stared into his lap, he knew I wasn't one to make empty threats. His smirk disappeared, but I couldn't help but wonder if I had taken it too far. I couldn't bear to be in the same room as Malfoy let alone do anything with him! I did have a short temper, didn't I? 

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now