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I informed Padma of the events of the night censoring the unnecessary bits as I lay in bed. I studied her expressions. She was not surprised.

"It was long overdue, wasn't it? It is evident that he is in love with you."


"You can't be serious! He knows your timetable for the day, but he wouldn't know his class timings. Parvati timed it, on average he looks at you once every two minutes during meals. If a male sits beside you the average drops to once a minute. Oliver almost had him kicked off the team for not sending bludgers your way! Once when you scored against Slytherin, he yelled out loud that you were his girl and would have his babies someday." He had taken it too far.

"That's not all, he dropped stink bombs in the boy's dorm when he heard that Rodger and Jeremy intended on asking you to the ball. Didn't you notice the boys sleeping in the common room one night? Parvati said he tackled Harry to the ground and threatened to fill his pants with Nargles. Any idea what Nargles are? Do you remember last year when you fell asleep on his lap due to exhaustion? He pointed his wand at us every time we whispered, and he sat in the same position for ten hours! Cho says it is borderline creepy, but I feel it's cute. While ..." Padma continued to speak as I drifted off to sleep.

The very next day George caught hold of me before breakfast and started to apologize. I could not deduce half of what he said. He mentioned something about Fred testing a truth serum spray that had contaminated his Yule Ball bow tie. In addition, he did mention how much he valued our friendship and blabbered on for half an hour. It left me puzzled.

"So, you want us to be friends?" I questioned.

"No! Yes! If that's what you want" George stared at me wide eyed. I was scared his eyes would pop out of its socket at any moment. "Georgie! I have no idea what you are saying. It's just me, you can't get rid of me even if you want to. What are you fretting about?"

He took a deep breath, reached out for my palm, and placed it between his, "Nat, everything I said yesterday is true. I am in love with you if you feel the same way then terrific! If not, we will just go back to being best friends, forget I ever said anything. I can obliviate your memory from last night if you want. I don't know what I was thinking! Why would you even want to be with me, you are perfect in every aspect." And he had started to blabber and my desire to kiss him had resurfaced.

"Stop! Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? You are absolutely divine!" A small smirk appeared on his face. "You are good inside and out George. It's just that with my parents absconding most of the time, the only reason I feel secure is you. I know I have you. I am too scared to take a step that will jeopardize that feeling of security Georgie. I realize that I am being selfish. What if we don't work out? You have Freddie and your entire family to take care of you, I don't know what I will be left with."

His cute smirk was replaced with a small frown, "Nat! I will be there for you no matter what. What makes you feel this will not work out? I don't want to pressurize you into anything, but I promise you I will be there for you one way or the other. You just take your time and think about it. Besides I am pretty sure my mum loves you more than me, more than Fred too, maybe even Ron. You will always be a part of the family." He wrapped me in a tight hug. I smiled into his chest. I could get used to this. "I will think about it, George. Umm. I liked the bribes you described last night, any chance we could..." It was worth a shot. George laughed hysterically as he pushed me away from him. "Stay away from me you pervert!" He yelled loud enough for people around to hear, Professor McGonagall being one of them. Yikes.

Later that week one day at potions Hermione physically shoved Cho away and stood next to me when Professor Snape started to sort us into groups. This could not be good. She got her way, and I was paired with her for the day. I began to read the instructions to make the pollyjuice potion when Hermione snapped my book shut. "I will take care of it. You tell me what's going on with you?"

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now