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The next morning, I woke up to Padma violently shaking me. "You are going to miss it. Wake up!" I jumped out of bed. Within ten minutes I was running towards the lake at top speed. There was a platform built in the center of the lake. I made it just in the nick of time. The champions were lined up ready to dive. I gave a double thumbs up to Harry when his eyes met mine. Just then the cannon went off and the four champions dived into the lake. Harry seemed to be doing fine, not that I could see anything going on underwater. I scanned the crowd in search of George. He was staring right at me from the top of the stands sandwiched in between Angelina and Katie. He had his arm around Johnson's shoulder! I felt like throwing myself into the lake.

"Do you reckon he is fine?" I didn't notice Neville standing next to me. I tore my gaze away from George. "He will be just fine. He survived Voldemort a little water is not going to hurt him, is it? You are a savior, Neville! How did you get that idea? Where did you find it?"

"It's strange, but I don't remember much." Did not remember? Something did not add up, my instincts were telling me something sinister was at play here. I eyed Neville suspiciously. He looked concerned too. I gently rubbed his shoulders. "I am sure you are just sleep-deprived." I lied.

"You know you can spot mermaids here if you look closely," Neville said as he leaned over the railing and pointed into the water. I had never seen mermaids, I leaned over the railing too. I could see our reflection in the water but nothing else. I felt someone's chest press up against my back and Fred's reflection appeared in the water alongside mine.

"What are we looking for?" His eyes scanned the water.

"I hear there is a giant squid here" Lee was next to him. "Wicked!"

Neville's reflection was gone and in came George. "Looks like Harry will survive. What did you give him?" he asked.

"None of your business Weasley. Why don't you go back to grinding Johnson!" I have no idea where that came from. I had to learn to control my temper. Fred and Lee inched away. "Trust me you don't want to be around her when she is angry. I have seen her punch the living shit out of a death eater."

"Wow, and what about you cuddling with Harry? Is scar head your boyfriend now?" George snapped.

"Ooooooooooooo the plot thickens. Both are drunk on jealousy." Lee whispered.

"Harry! Are you serious? He is just a friend."

"And it's a love triangle now..." Lee went on.

"Harry got back to the dorm at 3 am last night! What were both of you up to?" George yelled at the top of his voice to be heard above the crowd.

"We were working! He wasn't sitting on my lap like Johnson!" I tried my best to maintain my composure.

"They are just like as old married couple, aren't they?" Fred declared.

"She just had he legs on me! Don't make a big deal out of it!"

"Oh yeah! It's no big deal, right?" I scanned the stands. Malfoy's platinum blond hair stood out in the crowd. That would work.

"Don't even think about it!" He knew exactly what I was up to. He held onto my wrist as I attempted to leave. "Please don't I am sorry. It was Fred's stupid idea! He said it would make you jealous. I never should have listened to him. I am sorry." I bloody hate Fred, but he was right.

"I can't get you out of my fucking mind you dim wit." I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Too bad.....Wait... what? Say that again" George stepped closer to make sure he heard me right. So did Fred and Lee!

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now