Oh! Hell! No!

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"Oh hell no!" I had a bad feeling about it. I shoved Cho into Padma's arms and ran towards Harry. The target had to have been Harry, Ced was just an unfortunate casualty. Harry was not safe. I ran behind Harry and Professor Moody.

"What is wrong baby? You are scaring me!" George caught up with me in the corridor off Professor Moody's office. "Go get Dumbledore. Professor Moody has Harry, whoever attacked Cedric will come for Harry! We have to make sure he is safe." George did as he was told.

I barged into Professor Moddy's office without knocking and hugged Harry as he narrated details about Cedric's death. The stench Moody emitted was strong, it smelled like the death eater I encountered in the woods on the day of the Quidditch finals. My rage slowly crept back. I had a strong urge to send a killing curse at my professor. I buried my face in Harry's chest trying to mask Moody's odor. Harry wrapped an arm around me as my fingers inched towards my wand.

"You ended up in the Graveyard because it was meant to be so, Potter." Moody remarked.

"Who said anything about a Graveyard?" Harry exclaimed.

All wands were drawn. I could not resist. "Expulso!" I yelled. With minimal effort Moody had deflected my curse. He smirked back at me. "Feisty, the dark lord would need people like you."

The rage surged. "Expelliarmus... Confringo..." I threw curse after curse, he managed to dodge every single one. Harry had joined in too. Each curse we sent Moody's way got him more excited. We were engaged in a duel. I could feel my head explode with rage. "Cruci..." I began to yell, just then the door to Moody's office flung open.

"Expelliarmus" Dumbledore yelled sending Professor Moody crashing into a wall. Professor Snape and McGonagall were there too. I breath a sigh of relief as Harry wrapped his arms around me. He stared at me as I tried to calm down. I avoided all eye contact with him. It turned out that the real Alastor Moody lay in a large trunk in the corner of the room. As the three professors questioned the imposter, George ran into the room panting.

"What did I miss?" He whispered pulling me out of Harry's arms and into his.

"Nat tried to hit Professor Moody with an unforgivable curse." Harry snitched. My eyes dropped to the floor. George pulled me closer and rubbed his palm on my back without saying a word. Would I get sent to Azkaban? I had not mouthed the entire curse.

"Barty Crouch Junior" Dumbledore whispered.

"Remember me girl?" Barty Crouch Junior stared into my eyes. I felt possessed with the thirst to see his lifeless body. I lunged at the bastard. George had anticipated my move. He knew what was coming. His strong arm wrapped around my waist and Harry snatched my wand out of my hand. "I will kill you! Let go of me Weasley!" I yelled at the top of my voice as struggled to get out of George's grasp. He struggled to contain me.

"Get her out of here!" Snape yelled at George. Harry and George dragged me out of Professor Moody's office. The distance helped. With the stench gone I recovered my senses. Pinned against George's chest I concentrated on my breathing. Harry cautiously let go of my arms. He placed my wand on a nearby bench and headed back into the office. George loosened his grip. I wanted to go back in there!

"I am here. You will be alright." He whispered as he slowly turned me to face him. A stream of blood trickled down his nose. My heart fell and my eyes filled up. Sometime during the whole fiasco, I must have rammed my elbow into his nose I assumed. "I am so sorry Georgie. I didn't mean to." Guilt engulfed me. I wiped off the blood with my palm sobbing.

"Look at me. Look at me love. I am alright, don't worry about it! I didn't even realize it till you pointed it out. Now we will have a story for our grandchildren. How grandma broke my nose because I didn't let her devour a death eater." He smirked and I let out a laugh between sobs. "Please don't cry. It feels like someone is physically ripping apart my heart. It's painful to see your tears." He begged. I immediately wiped off my tears and hugged him tight. In his arms it felt like everything was going to be alright.

"To have grandchildren we need children, right? There are processes involved, we can't shop for children at Diagonal Alley. Don't you think we should get started with a few dry runs? Practice to nail the process?" I joked.

"The audacity! Woman you just broke my nose!" George laughed.

"There is something wrong with me, Georgie."

"You a pervert! That's what is wrong." He shot back.

"What happened in there was not normal. What happened at the Quidditch world cup was not normal. I can't describe the rage I feel in words. I desperately need help." I whispered.

"We will get through it together, Nat. Don't worry about it. Everythingwill be fine, at this moment Cho needs you the most. You just focus on her andlet me take care of you." He kissed the top of my head. Somewhere amidst all the chaos, I realized Ihad fallen madly deeply and irreversibly in love with George Weasley.

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