Yule Ball

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Flitwick informed us about the Yule Ball which was an integral part of the Tri-wizard tournament. I groaned. All the girls seemed to be excited about it. "Incredibly boring, annoying music and worthless small talk are the three main pillars of any ball," I whispered to Cho. She slapped the side of my arm and gestured for me to keep quiet. If a had a date like Diggory maybe it would spark my interest too. In addition to all the coursework now I had to find a date for the ball! This was my chance to finally have a real date, not with my best friend, not with a Quidditch crazed manic with someone nice. Harry was the only name that popped up in my head. But would he ask me?

That afternoon as I headed towards the Great Hall for lunch Malfoy came up to me. "Hey Nat, do you have a date for the ball yet?" Was it me? Did I go around giving guys the impression that I was interested in them? Then I remembered snogging him the previous night, it definitely was me. "Three minutes ago, Flitwick informed us about the ball. No! I do not have a date!" A smile appeared on his face. "Would you like to go to the ball with me?". Go to the ball with a foul-mouthed git who throws insults at my friends? He is gorgeous though, I stared into his grey eyes. But then I didn't want to be associated with the school bully. "No, Malfoy. But thank you for asking." He looked like he had just been struck by lightning. I rushed away from the scene.

"So, what are you wearing to the ball?" George had sneaked up on me out of nowhere. "How does it matter to you?" I was still angry about last night's incident. The fact that George would not reveal the ingredients of their potion to Hermione even after he saw my state was sickening. "Since we will be going to the ball together, I will pick something that matches yours. The pictures will be cute." The audacity of this man! "George Fabian Weasley, I am going nowhere with you! Man up and ask out a real girl. Leave me alone."

"Who are you going with?" George's voice had climbed a couple of decibels. I simply shrugged. "Not sure, but I know who I am NOT going to the ball with. You, my dear friend top that list! I don't want to wake up in a dumpster with my ass the size of the Quidditch Field again!"

"We will see about that," he smirked.

The next week had been painstakingly hard, the course work had got tough, my parents had not yet written to me! Christmas was round the corner, and I had heard nothing from them. To top it all of nobody, not a single soul asked me to the ball. A part of my brain now regretted turning Malfoy down. What was I thinking? George on the other hand was pretty persuasive. He and Fred begged for forgiveness. I did forgive them, but I wouldn't agree to go to the ball with George! So, he got Fred to ask me to the ball! I straight up contemplated sending an unforgivable curse his way. He started following me around in his free time as we got closer to Christmas eve.

One afternoon he walked into my Divination class, sat beside me, and began to scribble something on a piece of parchment. "Let's do this your way, Nat." He had the page neatly divided into two halves with the words Pros and Cons written in each half. I immediately grabbed the parchment filled out the con's column. Firstly, I wanted a real date and not an evening with my best friend. Second, I did not trust that joke products would not be tested on me and hence would not be able to enjoy my evening. Third, he was too tall, and I would strain my neck dancing with him. In pros, I mentioned that I would at least have a date since nobody else had asked.

George grabbed the parchment from my hand before I could think of any more reasons "Rubbish. What do you mean by real date! I took you on a real date to the Hogsmeade cave and you loved it! Products will not be tested on you I will make an unbreakable vow if you need me to. Height..."

"Mr. Weasley! What are you doing in a fourth-year class!" McGonagall eyed George, I saw her hand inch closer to her wand. I did not blame her. With the twins it was always difficult to predict what would be thrown at you. George slowly stood up and ran his hands through his hair while shuffling his legs. He was trying to cook up a reason. "I was wondering if you would be my date to the Yule Ball professor." What!

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now