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In the Ravenclaw tower that night as I lay in bed, multiple thoughts ran through my head. How did Harry defy the age barrier? What was different about Moody? Where were my parents? Why hadn't they written to me yet? Harry was definitely in trouble.

The next morning, I got ready to head to Hogsmeade. Padma had laid out a cute white dress for me with matching accessories, she loved to dress us up. I didn't have a date, but I had a book! I knew I couldn't go wrong with this one. I ran into Ginny as I walked towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Charlie was here last night!"

Charlie Weasley in Hogwarts? I had not seen Charlie at the Burrow for years now why would he visit Hogwarts? Then it hit me. I scanned the Gryffindor table for Harry! There he was sitting all alone. "Perfect" I whispered to myself. "Hey Harry"

"Leave me alone," Harry looked up. "Hey Nat, sorry I didn't mean to. Everyone is driving me crazy." That's when I noticed students wearing badges that read "Potter Stinks" and Ron and Hermione were at the far end of the Gryffindor table eating breakfast. I couldn't believe them! I sat next to Harry at the Gryffindor table and picked a piece of toast. I felt his green eyes on me as I munched on my toast. "Thank you, Nat." he whispered. I smiled back at him. "Can't Dumbledore figure out who put your name in the Goblet?" Harry simply nodded in disagreement.

"Do you need to participate? It is a trap."

"I have to," Harry replied feebly.

"Charlie was here last night, it could only mean that the first task has something to do with dragons." Harry nodded, he already had that information. "Do you have a plan? Can you use your broom?" Harry simply shrugged; he didn't say much. "Hey, I am here anytime you need me," I assured him as he came in for a small awkward hug.

"Pottah" I immediately reached for my wand and had it pointing squarely on Malfoy's nose. "If one more word spills out of your trashy mouth you will wake up in the infirmary." Malfoy walked away.

"How do you get him to listen to you?"

"He didn't listen to me once, and I broke his nose with my bare hands. Not my proudest moment." Harry laughed. "You look like you have your hands full at the moment, I will leave you to it. I am heading out to Hogsmeade, do you need me to get you anything?" I secretly hoped that he would join me.

"Thank you, but there is nothing that I need. You both have fun. Bye Nat." my heart fell as I walked away from Harry. Both! Who both?

"Did not go as planned, did it?" I almost jumped out of my skin! "What is wrong with you George! You almost killed me!"

"So, you are stuck with me then." He had a big smirk plastered on his face. I sighed as I weighed my options. Seen sitting at a booth at Three Broomsticks alone reading a book vs sitting with a hot Gryffindor beater. It was a no-brainer.

"Not so soon." I saw the boys from the Ravenclaw Quidditch team headed for Hogsmeade. I waved vigorously at them, I was certain they would want me to hang out with them, we were a team after all. George spotted them too, he immediately grabbed my palm and interlocked my fingers in his.

"Have fun." Rodger Davies waved as they crossed us.

"That was a bitch move, Weasley!" George laughed.

We walked out of the castle grounds hand in hand. "You didn't tell me that you were meeting Charlie last night."

"Yeah, no I didn't want to do that. You drool over Bill, Charlie would probably give you an orgasm." Well, that did not help, it only increased my desire to meet him. "So where is Fred? Will he be joining us?"

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now