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As I recovered from the blow my eyes searched for the hooded figure. I had never felt so focused on anything in my life. The rage was uncontrollable, I scanned the forest to catch a glimpse of the death eater. An inch of his black cloak disappeared at a distance, and I knew I had to get to him. But I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around me.

"Let me go! I am going to hunt him down and kill him." I dropped my head to bite the arm around my chest in a bid to free myself. "Calm down, Nat. You are hurt. We need to get you home." I felt the injury on the side of my forehead from colliding with the tree, it hurt. George's eyes were filled with tears as they threatened to overflow. He held me close in his arms.

Slowly, I came back to my senses. I felt ashamed. My actions had left George in tears! "I am sorry. Please don't leave me Georgie," I whispered as I felt tears trickle down my cheek. "Never" came his reply.

He helped me off the ground, his hand on my shoulder as I clung to him with my arms wrapped around his torso, I had never felt so needy. My mind still focused on the death eater and my thirst to hunt him down. I hid my face in his chest when Ginny attempted to talk to me. The rest of the night was a blur, all that stuck was George's ocher sweater in which I had my head buried.

The next morning, I woke up to sounds of hushed whispers.

"Our babies are going to be wicked."

"And Imaginary," Fred pitched in. "She looks just like her mother when she sleeps, doesn't she? I bet I can make babies with her before you muster enough courage to even ask her out."

"I would like to see you try," George threatened "Well, I don't think I will need to do much. She will kill you herself."

Someone had entered the room. "Blimey is she still asleep? It's almost dinner time" came Ron's voice. I felt a palm on my arm. I slowly opened my eyes to see three gingers staring down at me. "Morning" I whispered. I was back at the Burrow in Ginny's room.

I wanted to be by myself, so I quickly rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I could not recognize my reflection in the mirror. There was a white bandage plastered across my forehead, my eyes were red, and my face was pale. My hands and legs were bruised. I took my own sweet time in the bathtub, I was in no hurry to leave the space, but I couldn't hide forever. As I stepped out of the tub, I realized that I had forgotten to carry a fresh pair of clothes to change into, so I wrapped the towel around myself and decided to make a run for it. Ginny's room was two steps from the bathroom. The hallway was empty. I ran into Ginny's room and locked the door behind me and began to rummage through my bag for a pair of fresh clothes.

"Need a hand there? "I nearly jumped out of my towel! George was sitting on Ginny's bed a smirk plastered across his face.

"Why are you still in here?"

"Wanted to make sure you were fine. The first thing you grab after a shower is your wand." He held my wand in his fingers as his eyes scanned me. "Look away." I snarled, "sorry" he immediately obliged.

Someone banged on the door. Oh great! I thought to myself. "Give me a moment please, I am changing." I regretted saying it as soon as the words left my mouth. George slapped a palm on his forehead.

George had his back towards me. I got into a pair of shorts and a comfortable hoodie before unlocking the door. Anybody but Mr. or Mrs. Weasley I prayed. Well, those prayers were answered. Everyone other than them walked through the door. Great! I thought to myself. Bill gave me something of a hug, if it were any other day, I would have had butterflies in my stomach but today my mind was too preoccupied to even care. I was still focused on the events that had taken place in the forest the previous night. They huddled around me, I wanted to run away!

"You look much better today. Last night you looked like a corpse! You should have eaten..." he stopped midway his eyes trailing from my wet towel strewn on the floor to a flushed George sitting on Ginny's bed. I could see all other eyes trace the same path. Perfect! I thought to myself. "Let her go, I don't feel she wants to talk about it." George held out my wand.

Hermione, Ron, and Ginny smirked at me. Harry looked confused. He managed to injure himself too. "You know I am the better-looking twin, right?" Fred winked. Percy and Bill glared at George. I saw an opening, grabbed my wand from George's hand, and dashed down the stairs. I did not care enough to explain anything to anybody.

Mrs. Weasley was in the kitchen, and I knew what I needed. I ran and hugged her tight she hugged me back. "Everything is alright child, you are safe." She planted a kiss on my head. "Your parents will be so proud, Nat."

"Are they coming?" I controlled a sob.

"Err.. they are busy darling. But I am here for you dear. You are like my own child Nat, I hope you know that." I hugged her tight as she ran her fingers through my wet hair.

At dinner that night we were joined by Percy's girlfriend Penelope Clearwater and a blonde named Daniella Goodwill. Penelope was a fellow Ravenclaw, I had always looked up to her, Daniella on the other hand was a stranger to me. I noticed her left palm rested quite high on Bill's thigh throughout dinner.

I stared at a green pea on my plate.

"Quit staring!" Ginny exclaimed. I immediately looked up. Luckily, she was addressing George.

"It's not like you haven't seen enough of her already." Fred joked. George almost choked on his food. I knew where this conversation was going. I zoned out concentrating on the light green color of the peas.

"...and she began to punch his face," Ginny repeated the events that had taken place. "The twins looked like they had shit in their pants, those dim wits did nothing to help. I knew I had to help her..." I could feel the rage creep back in me, I had to hunt him down. I tightened my grip around the cutlery to control my anger. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing.

"Are you okay?" Nobody but George noticed. "Please change the topic." I managed to utter.

"So, who do you think is going to win the Quidditch Cup this year?"

Almost everyone in the room yelled "Gryffindor!"

"The Hufflepuff team just had their star chaser graduate, Malfoy is not half as good a seeker as Harry and the Ravenclaw team can't seem to get their noses out of their books long enough to practice Quidditch. Bloody useless psychopathic bookworms, they are the worse of the lot." Fred chimed eyeing me.

My hand immediately reached for a butter knife, and I held it dangerously close to Fred's neck. Penelope aimed a kick at Fred from under the table and Daniella threw a loaf of bread at him from across the table.

"Don't you dare!" Daniella and Penelope said in unison.

"Looks like my boys have a thing for Ravenclaw girls" Mr. Weasley's eyes darted from Daniella to me and then Penelope. The girls turned red. I quickly dropped the butter knife as I felt myself turn red too. No, no, it wasn't me blushing it stemmed from rage. I realized I had major temper issues.

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now