6. no one noticed

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Your Average NerdxPopular AU
Nerd: George Davidson. Popular Kid: Dream [enter last name here]. When Dream needs tutoring, he goes to the least popular, but most attractive boy (in his opinion) at school. George doesn't like Dream at first -- too popular, too athletic. But his opinions slowly change as he gets to know Dream. [fluff]

Dream's POV

He was etheral.

That's the only word I can use to describe him.

The way he walked. The way he didn't care. The way he hunched over and hid from the world. If given the chance, I was sure he could take the world by storm. I didn't know why people didn't care about him. How they didn't notice him. I noticed him everywhere I went. He was so attractive.

The way his hair shone in the light. The way his eyes sparkled. They way his lips moved as he walked. The way his cheeks flushed if I smiled at him. He was beautiful, inside and out. I was sure of it.

He always kept to himself. His airpods were always in, unless he was in class. He was always carrying books, whether they were school related or not. He didn't have any friends, but he didn't seem to want any either. That didn't stop me from being friendly.

George's POV

He was smiling at me again.

I felt my face heat up as he kept watching me. I didn't look up. I had gotten so used to the feeling of his stare, yet it still made me feel tingly. I hated it. I hated him.

He was too popular. Too cocky. Too athletic. Too straight for my liking. It was like he always had girls hanging off of him. It was ridiculous. How would anyone like that? Maybe he should've taken some lessons from me. I never opened up to anybody. I just focused on school and didn't talk to anybody. It was lonely, but I was used to-



I took out on airpod and looked up at him. "Hi?"

He smiled. "Uh, I was wondering if you could help me with the math homework," he said, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. I restrained myself from frowning at him.

"Um, sure," I muttered, pulling out my phone to pause my music. "What part do you need help with?"

He grinned and sat next to me on the bench. He pulled out the sheet we got for homework and pointed to a few questions. "I don't really understand how to do these questions. I was hoping you did."

I skimmed over the questions. These were definitely the harder ones on the sheet, but still easy. 

It took the rest of lunch for him to fully understand the concept. 

"Oh," he muttered, scratching his forehead. I snickered. 

"Yeah, you were totally doing it wrong," I said, smiling. 

"Well, that explains my shitty grades. Thank you," he replied, turning to smile at me. I started to smile back, but I caught a glimse of a group of girls over Dream's shoulder. They were giving me pointed glares and whispering. 

"No problem," I muttered. I nodded towards the girls. "But I don't think you want to keep your fan club waiting." Before he replied, I shoved my airpods back in my ears, started my music again, and opened my book. I noticed him cast me one more longing glance, but he still stood up and headed over to the girls. 

I looked back at him as he went. The girls immediately latched on to him, as if they couldn't stand to not be touching the Great Dream 24/7. I sighed and turned back to my book. I don't know why I let myself enjoy that. He'll always end up back where he should be.

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