24. hey there deliliah (gogy)

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Singer AU
This is a part 2 to my oneshot "Dandelions," requested by @Galaxy1238

George kissed Dream. That much is obvious. Now they're talking. That much is also obvious, with how much more smiley they both are. But George is back in the UK, so they're living off of Twitter, iMessages, and FaceTime. Until Dream does what Dream does best, and derails George's life. Kind of. [fluff]

I cup his jaw and pull him down, even though he's still mid-turn. Our lips connect in a fierce clash of all his sorrow and all  my anger. He startles, but he doesn't pull away or try to stop what's happening. 

Something in my brain tells me to stop what I'm doing and run -- this is your ex-fiance. The one who broke your heart, left without warning and with a very shitty excuse.

But he owned up. He admitted he was wrong.

His knuckles brush my waist as he moves to grip my side. The feeling sends waves of familiarity and warmth through me as he leans forward slightly.

But that's what snaps me back to earth. Before I realize what I'm doing, I snatch back, hands still in his hair. His eyes are blown wide in surprise, and I'm sure I look the same way. "I-" I stammer. I take a step back, but it feels as thought some unknown force is trying to pull me back towards Dream.

That "unknown force" being the look on Dream's face, the way his eyes are watching me. 


[George's POV]

A loud alarm cuts through my dream like a chainsaw. I jolt awake, pulled from the moment I've been reliving in my dreams for weeks. Ever since Dream first texted me when I got back to London. I could say he's been haunting my dreams, but I can't say I haven't enjoyed seeing it happen again and again. I just wish I could make it happen again.

I groan and collapse against my pillow again. I keep forgetting to turn the damn alarm off. I used it on tour, because we had to wake up at ungodly hours for practice and such. I've just been too lazy to turn it off.

I reach over and swipe my phone off the beside table. I tap my way through to Clock, and turn off the alarm. I'm about to turn off my phone when I realize I have a new unread message. 

Oh, must've missed it.

Shit, I swear if it's Wilbur reminding me that I actually had to be up early today. 

I sit up as I open iMessages. There's a blue dot next to the contact Dream :).

A small smile picks up the corners of my mouth as I open the message. 

Good night, George. Sweet dreams.
Delivered 4:28 am

It gets the best of me, and my smile widens. 

"Aha! The young prodigy has awoken!"

I jump so bad, my phone actually leaves my hands to fly into the air. It lands on my chest, and I wince. 

Wilbur laughs from the doorway. "Good morning, George Not Found!" he says, walking in.

"Yeah, no problem, just walk right in," I say, sitting up. I toss my hair, trying to make it less bedhead. "When did I give you a key?"

Wilbur scoffs. "You didn't."

I don't question it further. 

"Me and the boys came over to see if you wanted to grab breakfast," he says, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Don't worry, they're still in the car, listening to CORPSE."

I laugh as I throw the covers off my legs. "Sure," I say. "I'll be out in a bit. I just wanna have a quick shower."

Wilbur grins. "No problem."

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