31. i dare you

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Strangers AU
Requested by Watermark1234
After getting very hungover and finding out he had a drunken one night stand, George finds himself accepting a date with the very same guy. Which explains why he's eating pancakes at 5:30 on a Thursday... mostly. [fluff] 

George stands on the sidewalk next to a bush, just outside the queue for Where the Pancakes Are. He rubs his arms, mentally kicking himself for not bringing a jacket. His foot taps nervously on the concrete as his gaze sweeps over the road once more. 

He's not even sure who he's looking for. Karl teased him the day prior while on a call with his date for the night, and referred to him as a "hot blond."

And Dream -- his date -- forgot to send a photo of himself, or even describe himself further. 

Thankfully, Dream knows what he looks like.

For those of you who are unaware of the activities the two induldged in two nights ago, George is too. Don't fret.

Okay, he kind of knows. Dream gave him a brief run down. And it certainly explained the fading bruises on his neck.

As he begins to lose himself in though, someone rounds the corner suddenly and nearly runs him over. He begins to stumble backwards, but rights himself just in time. 

"George!" the person exclaims. "I'm so sorry!" 

Hands find their way to his shoulders, only to be awkwardly drawn back a second later.

This must be Dream.

He smiles and holds his arms open for a hug, obviously nervous. And while George usually doesn't do hugs, he finds himself accepting it, and even allows himself to enjoy it. 

They seperate, and George looks up into the nervous eyes of the man whom he -- casually -- made out with while drunk in a phone booth two days ago.

He certainly looks good. George can give him that.

Jade eyes and freckles nearly perfectly compliment tan skin and sun-bleached hair. Probably from California or Florida or something like that. His wide smile tilts a bit higher on one side, and he has a small jagged scar, maybe an inch in length, coming up from his jaw in his ear's general direction. He's dressed in a zip up knit green sweater and dark skinny jeans, paired with black Nike sneakers. 

The shoes could be better, but c'est la vie

"Am I late?" Dream asks.

George grins and shakes his head. "No, don't worry," he replies. "I just have a tendency to arrive really early to everything."

Dream grins as the two approach the reservation stand, where a waitress is checking another young couple's reservation. She notices them and says "hello, my apologies! I'll be right with you," and motions for the other couple to follow her. 

"So," Dream starts. "I told you that you could ask me any questions you wanted, if you had them, so... fire when ready."

George pauses. Questions rattle around his brain so fast he can't seem to reach out and grab any. He opens his mouth, unsure of what he's about to say, but -- thankfully -- the woman returns. 

"For two?"

She leads them to a wooden table under a canopy outside with benches on either side. Each bench has a blanket folded up on the end just in case they get cold. George immediately wraps one around his shoulders and steps over the bench to sit down. Dream chuckles and flips open the menu. George frowns at his own, struggling to come up with a question. 

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