35. i can't help it

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Meet Up AU
Dream and George have been friends for years. Like, six or seven years. It's about time they met up and George moved in with Dream and Sapnap, except he just can't seem to get a visa. So Dream and Sapnap decide to fly out to him... but Sapnap is forced to cancel last second which means Dream flies out alone. The only downside? Dream is secretly in love with George, except it's not really a secret anymore. No pressure. [angst, fluff]

CW// panic attack

"Bro, who only streams for an hour?" Sapnap teases George. 

George's scoff echoes through the call. "Literally you, Sapnap," he fires back. 

"I actually don't," Sapnap retaliates. 

Dream giggles. "You two fight like a married couple," he jokes. 

There's a brief moment of stunned silence before the call explodes with noise; George arguing back incoherently and Sapnap yelling obscenities. Dream just laughs amidst the chaos. 

When it finally dies down, George huffs. "Well, I had a reason to end my stream," he says, feigning bitterness in his tone, "so I must take my leave as of now. I'll talk to you guys later."

"Unfortunately," Sapnap mutters. 

Dream pays no mind, only saying a half-hearted "talk later," focusing more on his Bedwars game at hand. 

However, the first words out of Sapnap's words make him slip up and he falls into the void: "So, how's the crush on George going?"

Dream gasps as he falls, swinging his head towards the Discord call. "Sapnap," he exclaims. "What the hell?"

He can already see Sapnap's all-too casual shrug, his 'I don't give a fuck' expression. "What?" he asks. "Am I not allowed to ask my best friend about his love life?" 

Dream huffs, turning back to his Bedwars game, just barely saving his bed in time from attackers. His cheeks get a distinct red tint to them, but he ignores it best he can. 

He should have known better than to tell Sapnap when he found his feelings towards George shifting... to say the least. He should've kept it to himself, but he didn't. He felt the pressure of words unsaid, felt the need to tell someone. Unfortunately, there's really no one he can tell besides Sapnap. 

If he told his older sister, she'd tease him mercilessly. As would his younger sister (now known as 'Drista' among the fandom). His younger brother wouldn't care, and was too young to have any sound advice (but at the same time, so was Sapnap, so Dream isn't sure what he was thinking). His parents... he didn't even want to think about it. 

So he told Sapnap.

Not the wisest idea, considering when the three of them meet up, it would not fare well for him. But he did it nonetheless, only a mere two months ago, and he's already having severe regrets. 

"Earth to Clay," Sapnap says, snapping his fingers next to his mic. "I have two questions that go unanswered."

Dream clears his throat, giving up on the game and exiting all together. "Um, I mean it's okay to ask, I guess," he mutters awkwardly. The heat in his cheeks is building by the second, considering this is not his favourite conversation topic. Especially with Sapnap of all people, who is George's other best friend. "And how well can a crush on your best friend be going, honestly?"

Sapnap scoffs. "You're asking the expert, don't forget," he says, almost proudly. 

It had been known among the three friends that Sapnap has been in love with Karl for months; even George and Dream knew before Sapnap did. Dream finds it entertaining, especially since Sapnap has denied any chance that Karl feels the same, despite several pieces of evidence that he does. 

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