29. good luck

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Football x Cheerleader AU
Dream and George are pressured. It's senior year, and on top of that, they're both competing for the "Best Captain" title, which, in their school, is rather prestigious. Seems easy enough, right? False. Stereotypes catch up with them as sparks do what they do best and fly. [fluff] 


Rivalry. Competition for for the same objective or for superiority in the same field. 

I feel like that word pretty much sums up George and I. 

I feel like I should introduce myself, and explain who George is. But, hi, I'm Dream, senior in high school, and captain of the cheerleading team. No one really expects me to be captain of the cheer team -- they probably expect me to be a football captain or something, probably because of either my build or because I'm a dude.

But dudes can cheer if they want. 

I like to call myself an activist on a rampage, because I enjoy sticking up for human rights and minorities, and I joined the cheer team in middle school just for shits and giggles -- and sticking up for a guy a year younger than me who was being bullied for wanting to try out for the dance team. But now, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

George, on the other hand, is the kind of guy who people might imagine being on the cheer team, just because he's smaller and "weaker." But he's actually a really good football player, and he definitely deserves captain. 

However, we don't really like each other all that much. We've always had some mini fued to see who's a better captain -- more fair, nicer, more caring, etc. So far, it's a tie. 

But the end of the year is rolling around, which not only means finals, but it also means several contest for the seniors. Things like Funniest Student, Highest Achiever, Literary Genuis, Best Actor, Geekiest Student, I could go on. George and I don't care about those, though. There are two more all the other captains and athletes have their eyes on: Best Athlete and Best Captain. 

Now, George and I can finally prove who's the best captain.

However, now we have approximately 12 other captains to go against. So we'll have a bit more of a competition. 

The thing is, with all of these contests, the winner is voted by the student body. There is no bias allowed. So, to prevent that, the athletes are not allowed to vote for their captain just because it's their captain. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair. Especially since football has the most athletes, so George would absoultely win. 

The winners will be announced at senior prom, just before Prom King and Queen. Which everyone loves. 

Peak sarcasm activated. 

Actually, almost everyone at my school loves prom. I guess it's just me. Probably because it's kind of heteronormative. There's no rules against who you can bring, but if you're assigned male at birth and you show up in a dress, they'll definitely side-eye you. At least, that's what my older sister said. She told me her best friend wore this beautiful dress and she wore a suit, and they went together, since his girlfriend broke up with him two weeks before, and she's aromantic. Anyways, they ended up leaving early since everyone kept giving him funny looks. And I felt bad for him, because I thought he looked great. 

Also, no two girls can win King and Queen. Nor two guys. It has to be a girl and a guy, which is dumb. But I'll probably just go with my cheer friends and Sapnap and Karl and call it done. That'll be enough.


WHO'S GONNA WIN? Football Captain vs. Cheerleading Captain

I hate this school. 

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