The Woman Trapped In Glass

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"Come in, Snake," he gave permission. No one was allowed in that room until they figured out what to do. Those were his orders to the rest of the officers outside, and he only had a short amount of time until a higher rank came and tried to barge in here anyway. As much as the criminals had gone away, and their magic smoke with that, there were still things that he didn't want his other coworkers seeing.

A woman trapped in glass was no joking matter. It would cause more debate within the police force than any help that they could provide. Whether it was real or not. What else could be real or true if this was. It would only go downhill from there. That was why the city had this division in the first place. There was a reason why humans were left in the dark about most of these things. They would go insane if they knew everything that lurked in their world.

Not even he knew everything.

"Yup," Snake looked around. "Definitely a witch's doing. So, where's this woman?"

"In here!" She banged on the glass. "Please! You have to help me out of this before they come back!"

"Don't worry," Jim assured her. "We're going to do our best to help you. But you have to stay calm for us, okay?"

Those brown eyes were big and watery as she nodded. She looked really nice with a cotton dress and some tall boots on. Her black hair cascaded down her back, curling over her arms almost playfully. On her bare chest lie a beautiful ruby necklace on a golden chain. She was absolutely gorgeous, but he couldn't be thinking about looks right then. He had to deal with helping the poor woman out of there.

"Look," she started. "I don't know what happened. All I know is that I was just talking to this guy one second, having a decent conversation, and the next thing I know I'm here!" She hit the glass again. "Being told that I need to marry him! I didn't come all the way down here for this madness!"

"Sounds like a creep," Snake agreed with her. "But I wouldn't go trying to take your anger out on that glass. We don't know if you'll be able to escape if it breaks."

"It doesn't matter," she shook her head, more tears falling down from those beautiful eyes. "No matter how hard I hit, it won't break. I'm doomed to stay in whatever this is until they come back to grab me."

"We're here to make sure that doesn't happen," Jim told her. He was determined now more than ever to solve this. There had to be some way to get her out of this trap. Some sort of magic trick up their sleeve that they could use.

He looked around the room, trying to look for something. There were crystals scattered all around, but none of them were glowing or anything. There were some tarot cards lying on the table, scattered to hint at some kind of fight. There was also a bunch of jewelry with tons of gems on them. Each had a different design.

"Those are mine," the woman told him. "They forced me to take them off before they put me in here."

"Is there anything else in this room that's yours?" Jim asked her. He needed to know what was going to be going in as evidence and what wasn't when this was all said and done. Now he could at least figure out what her scent was though. He hadn't been able to pick up on one since she was on the other side of that glass.

"My luggage," she pointed over to the suitcase by the bed. "They brought all of my things, saying that they were going to bring me somewhere that they were going to plan the wedding for."

"They really put some thought into this, too," Snake said, picking up a book that was on the counter. It looked ancient, with papers that crumpled and crinkled. "They must have been trying to look for a bride for some time."

Skaal got angry at hearing that. Jim didn't know why, but he wasn't going to ask, not while they were still trying to figure out what to do. He'd ask when this was all said and done.

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