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The days had flown by for Indigo. She had spent most of them inside, fearful of those ugly smiles that had looked at her with interest before. The resort played over and over in her head constantly as she tried to figure out where she went wrong with the man that had trapped her. He wasn't the most handsome, but he was funny. She would have been interested in going on a date with him at least, and they talked quite a lot when they were in the bar area of the resort. It was mainly about music, since the place was named off from a jukebox.

He was flirting with her a lot, but every man flirted with her. The only ones who didn't were the officers that helped her out of that glass. And they were more handsome than many of the men that she had been with.

That was another thought for another time. Perhaps her dreams would entertain her. They always seemed to the past few nights. Indigo had plenty of dreams. Some of them were scary, reliving the feeling of being trapped in a reflection. And some of them were nice, especially when it came to the detective that she spoke to so much.

Jim. He told her to call him Jim. It was most likely just something to make her feel a bit more comfortable around them all. But she would take it. She still had that card with her everywhere she went. She left it in her corset that she wore all the time. It was one of her favorite pieces of clothing that her grandmother had given her. She had passed just before her grandfather did.

Her grandfather had gathered up quite a lot of money in his old age. Even though Indigo's parents had strayed from the gypsy faith, they thought that they would get a portion of it. Her siblings as well. But her grandfather could hold a grudge for quite some time. The only thing he ever went to the law for in his whole life was to get his will notarized before he passed. Through his will, he gave most of his fortune to the family that still remained a gypsy, traveling with them on the caravan of donkeys and wagons that they used.

There was another portion of his fortune that went to the ones who had settled in the city, but still followed the gypsy ways. Some of the people who got that were Indigo's cousins. The very same that had let her stay with them at the moment. Most of it was in jewelry and gold, but every single person in the family already had plans to sell it and be well off for the rest of their lives. Some of the mothers and fathers thought to use it to pay bills so that they wouldn't be struggling as much.

For the family that had given up the gypsy way, and denied it, however, her grandfather gave them nothing. Not a single penny from either his or his wife's fortune that they had spent years gathering. Indigo remembered helping them search through some beaches for treasure as a kid. You would be surprised at the hidden gems that you could find on beaches. She even found a pearl once.

For Indigo, she had gotten a bunch of jewelry from her grandfather. He had made a list of what everyone would get in his letters. He said that his most treasured items went to her because he knew that she wouldn't sell it. She even obtained some cash from him, too.

Because of that, most of her family hated her. They were either jealous that she inherited that much, or were furious that she wouldn't lend them any. She had been warned from her grandfather that money and greed could tear a family apart. She just didn't fully understand it until he passed and the drama ensued. Indigo didn't know that she would be shunned by her own people just because of what her grandfather had given her, and it only made the mourning of his death all the worse.

Her aunt was kind, though. She told her that her children had all ventured into the city to try and make a living for themselves. Indigo used some cash to get a plane ticket to Adarna, and gave her aunt a ring as a thank you.

Her cousins were nice people, much kinder than the people who had given her nothing but the evil eye. They told her that they would help her get situated in the city. Maybe she would even get a job. She hadn't really had much experience working. She barely got her whole education, and that was only with thanks to her parents bugging her grandparents to make sure that she did. As much as Indigo hated it back then, she supposed that she should thank them for it now. She first thought that she was going to live the gypsy life until the end of her days, just as her grandfather had done.

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