Easy Target

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"Stay here, alright?" he told her, bringing her into his office. "I'm going to go and get something. I'll be right back."

"Okay," she nodded, taking a seat on the chair.

This was getting more complicating the more time passed. Jim had thought that it was going to be a simple case, like most of the ones that him and Snake had come across. They weren't easy, but once they figured out who the criminals were it didn't take that long to finish up. This one just had multiple criminals, and Jim didn't know whether they all worked together or not. If they didn't, then they had to all have a universal motive for it.

"You have quite a troubling girlfriend," Snake said, coming out of the filing room with a tablet in his hand. Felix was right next to him.

"Not now, Snake," he sighed. "We need to figure this out before something happens to her that we can't protect her from."

Skaal was offended by that statement, but it was true. Jim couldn't be with her all the time, not where they were at in their relationship. He wasn't even sure if she wanted him to be around her all the time. They still had their own lives.

"You don't have a life," Skaal chastised him. "You just have work and figuring out what food place to go next."

"Thanks for the reminder."

"So, we know that it's not witches, right?" Felix asked, walking with him back into the filing room. They needed somewhere private to talk besides his office. He didn't want Indigo hearing all of this. She would freak out even more.

"Not the coven that we were originally after, at least," Snake stated. "I wouldn't take them out of the equation just yet."

"We need to figure out why they're going after her," Jim said. "Because it's not due to her heritage." If they were trying to get her for that, then they would be after her cousins as well, and nothing had happened to them from the moment that Jim had ordered his men to keep an eye on them. They even started going out more often, no longer afraid of someone getting to them, and nothing suspicious happened at all. The only one it had happened to was Indigo.

"I feel like that's obvious at this point," Snake shrugged. "She's a seer."

"How do you know that she's a seer?" Felix asked.

"Do you remember that time she had talked to us about catoptromancy?" Snake asked. "I looked into it a little more. It's one of the rarest types of seeing into the future, and only gypsies have ever been able to perfect it."

"And you think this is why she's a target?"

"Seers are easy targets, unfortunately," he told him. "They're usually not the best fighters, yet they're one of the most important people in any supernatural group that has them."

"How do you know so much about seers?" Felix asked, always full of questions.

"Because I have nothing better to do than read," Snake rolled his eyes. "Are you going to be asking me questions nonstop or are we going to just sit on our asses the rest of the day?"

"Felix," Jim looked at the young recruit. "Save them for after. Right now, I want to know what you know about seers."

"You know the story of the little mermaid?"


"Well," he took in a deep breath. "There are such thing as sea witches, and they liked to make deals to get souls of whoever they could, rather than voices. One of the more valuable souls to them was the seers', because their power could still be passed to whoever had their soul close to them as a way of warning them of what was to happen."

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