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The silence was dreadful, even if it was just a minute or two. Indigo was sure as soon as she said it that she shouldn't have. It was obvious that they were trying to see how much she knew, but she just didn't see what the big deal was. It's not like her knowing about them really made a difference to the world. If she told anyone, especially her family, they would think she was insane.

Although, she was getting them to consider witches, so there was a slightly greater chance that they would believe her over anyone else. Still. She didn't see how her knowing about their kind could harm them in any way. And she wasn't going to just back down or play dumb. Indigo hated playing dumb unless it was to flirt with someone.

She had done that with Jim a few times. The best part of it was that he knew exactly what she was doing. It made it more fun, for some reason. Because whenever she would do it, he would have the softest smile on his face, like he was happy with anything she said. And Indigo didn't meet too many people who would react to her like that, especially men.

Him and his brother were looking at each other right then. Indigo could see something change in their eyes, but the room was so bright, it was difficult to make it out. All she could do was hold her breath in those short few seconds.

"I'm glad you know the name," Prue said. "Have you met him yet?"

That was a whole other story that Indigo didn't want to confess to a relative of Jim's just yet. Had she met him? In a way, yes. In another instance, it felt like she just got a glimpse of him, and the true person behind the detective that always tried to stay so distant from her.

"Maybe," she answered, then glanced over to the men for a second before pretending to ignore them. "Why? Would you rather I didn't?"

This was a whole new world she was walking into, and the unknown was never welcomed unless it was the next location that her family was traveling to. Other than the different cities or towns, most of her family hated when any change whatsoever happened. Her grandfather was one of those as well. That was why he was particularly harsh towards the ones who wished to leave their group and settle in the cities. It took a long time for him to at least accept the ones who still followed their ways even a little bit. Florence, Alfonso, Bartley and Daisy were the few that helped him change his mind. They were some of his favorites.

But now she was staring at this rather beautiful woman, wondering whether that look in her eyes were ones of approval or hate. Indigo would have to admit that she would be sad if it was hatred towards her. She really liked the red-head. Her pale skin and freckles reminded her of a few of the places that she had traveled to when she was younger, and her smile was contagious. She was great at talking and always seemed interested in everything that Indigo had to say. It would hurt to hear her have a problem with her just because she knew what they were.

"Not at all, dear," Prue took her hand and smiled. It was as if she knew what she was thinking without ever having to be told. "Welcome to the family."

She didn't know how tense the room had gotten until Prue finally broke it with those words. It opened the door to so many things that Indigo wanted to talk about. It felt like she had a thousand questions for them, but couldn't remember a single one.

"I hope the thought of there being a group of us doesn't scare you," Will smiled politely. "We've only wished to protect this forest and all that reside in it or around it."

"Is that why you guys have a bad reputation in regards to disappearances?" Indigo asked, remembering what Florence had told her. Now it made sense why they had all these mysteries around them. She wasn't sure if they would completely tell the truth. But she could at least try to see what their answers were going to be.

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