Loop 908

40 5 0

"And you really want to stay here?" Jim asked again.

"Yes," those doe eyes looked so sure.

"Even if we have to stay here all night?" he raised a brow. He still didn't think this was a great idea, even with Skaal trying to convince him otherwise. It seemed too risky to him. But he was too easy to convince with both the beautiful woman that had pleaded with him before and his wolf that was under her spell.

"It won't be all night," she shook her head. "I know it."

Jim couldn't help but sigh as he drove casually down the streets. He told Snake and Felix to follow him, keying the merman into what had happened. He seemed a little confused about it, but it was easy to get him to follow orders without asking too many questions. He had learned to save those for the right time during his first week.

"Do you want something to eat before we get there?" he asked. He usually stocked his car up with snacks while on a stake out mission, but he didn't have time to prepare for it with how last minute this was. It was either he go or he would ask Snake to get him something. The bat was probably already thinking of it. They knew each other too well.

"I'm okay," Indigo shook her head, hugging her stomach. "You go ahead."

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" he gave her a concerned look. She really did look stressed, staring at the road like she was trying to memorize them.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I'll be fine, Detective."


Indigo turned her head to look at him from the passenger's side. It was just enough of a distraction for her to not look so stressed out as before.

"I said to call me Jim," he gave her a playful smile before looking back to the road. "Remember?"

"Of course," she smiled in his peripheral vision. "Sorry."

"Come on," he pulled into a drive thru. "I know you're going to need something while we're waiting. It's my treat tonight."

He was surprised that she finally agreed and started telling him her order. Jim ordered extra for the both of them, just in case the night lingered on for too long. The person taking it knew him as a regular. He visited the place at least once a week.

"Why did you order that much?" Indigo asked. Those brown eyes were wide after he was done and pulling up to the next window.

"Got some food for the rest of my team," Jim shrugged. "And I figured you might need something to munch on through the night."

"Really?" she raised one of her small brows. When he nodded, she laughed and shook her head. "You've got to be the first man to think that I eat more than just a thing of French fries when going out."

"You should be eating more than that," he frowned. "Is that why you have that corset on?"

"This?" she looked down at the leather binding on top of the fluffy looking dress. "Oh, I wear this all the time."

Jim nodded his answer, letting the silence consume them as he waited for the order. The workers always joked with him that he needed to call in advance for all the food he ordered. He was surprised that they were so friendly with him. Most of the time when someone sees a police officer, they tense up thinking that something's going to happen. He's had a few encounters at some gas stations at night that were like that. Although some attendees felt more comfortable with him there at night. He didn't blame them. That was the prime time for someone to steal something.

"You do eat enough, right?" he cut through his silent thoughts. As much as he knew it was going to be awkward, he felt compelled to ask. He was slightly concerned with the conversation she had started before.

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