Emergency Contact

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"You're lucky you don't have to sleep, you know," Felix told him, yawning as he grabbed his jacket. "You have infinite time to do anything."

"You act like that's a good thing," Snake rolled his eyes. "Do you know how boring it is to have infinite time on your hands?"

"I'd trade you in a heartbeat."

"You say that now," he told him. "Until everything you need to do is done and there's nothing left but to wait for the next day to come."

"Is that why you're always driving up and down the streets at night?" Those eyes looked suspicious as they walked out of the building. Their work was done for the day, and Felix seemed to be feeling the after effects of the long days of paperwork and patrolling.

"It's not like I'm allowed to kill time in the forest," he told him, thumbing to the trees that surrounded the city. "The doggies would kill me if they even caught a whiff of me near their home." They were a territorial bunch. Most werewolf packs were, but this one was particularly anal when it came to anyone in their forest. Even though Snake had a faint scent, it still seemed to get picked up by them.

"I never understood the whole rivalry between you guys," Felix blabbed on. He always tended to do that. "Like, what happened? My people don't even have an arch enemy like you guys. And the ocean is full of enemies."

"The land is too, trust me," Snake sighed. "It's just a little less noticeable in the realm of the dry land."

The sunset hit the city, marking yet another end of the day. It had been a long and boring one, as they were waiting for papers to come through and practicing patience when it came to some of their other leads. Normally, Snake wouldn't care about the time of day. He had gotten old enough to build up a resilience to the sunrays. Actually, he built that tolerance up early on in his life. Not being able to walk around in the daytime made doing anything almost impossible.

Right now, though, the end of the day signified that he had some work to do. The streets were buzzing at night, and supernatural criminals loved to hide amongst the crowds.

"Can I ask you something?" Felix interrupted his thoughts. They had both stopped to enjoy the view.

"Besides the thousand other things you already did?" He teased. "Go ahead, Gills."

"Why have you been driving around Mrs. Shephard's house the past week?"

"How do you know I've been doing that?" he raised a brow at him. He had a feeling that he was being followed a few nights, but he didn't think it was by the fish boy.

"I just happened to see you over there one day," he shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant about it. "You're usually in the office at night too. But that stopped as soon as Jim started to go hunting with his pack."

Ever an observant man. Snake was going to have to remember that. At least he knew that he made a decent officer. He was just one step ahead of all the other rookies.

"That was until I got a call from the jailors who loved to tell me that the entire coven we arrested just magically escaped," he told him. He was not happy to get that call, either. And he just got some information from an old friend of his that he had been dying to tell Jim.

That was going to have to wait, though. At least until tomorrow. The Blacktooth Pack had been thirsty for the blood of these witches, more so than a vampire would. According to Jim, they had been destroying a few of their landmarks and stealing crops. Both Snake and him knew that they had to be plotting something big. They just weren't sure what.

"I need you to do me a favor," Jim asked him. It was right after the first few days of this hunt of theirs.

"Don't you already owe me?" he joked, trying to lighten the mood. Things had gotten a little tense, especially with the extra work that Jim was putting in with his family. He could tell that he wasn't enjoying this hunt of his. And Skaal seemed to be getting angrier with every day that passed.

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