T Shirt

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Whenever she slept in the day time, it reminded her of when she used to do it all the time when she was traveling. Gypsies always disappeared into the night, forever moving along and drifting from one place to another. She remembered so many times when her grandfather would only go to sleep once they were on the road again, away from the locals of the last town they were in. It was bad luck to stay in one place for too long, according to him.

That was another reason why she always loved the night. It was alive with creatures and magic, the shadows making shapes for your mind to forever interpret. Indigo had never been afraid of the dark. What she had been afraid of were all the unknown things in it. Her grandfather had loved to tell scary stories when they were all sitting by the campfire.

They used to stay up all night, and sleep in the morning. It wasn't the best schedule, but it worked for them. That was how their way of life was.

She had been used to it being that way. What she wasn't used to, however, was waking up in a strange room that she had never seen before.

Indigo rubbed her eyes, her body not feeling any sense of danger, even if she couldn't remember anything. Usually, she would. But as she started to look around the room, her memories were slowly coming back to her.

She couldn't believe what had happened that night. It all seemed like it was information overload, but she didn't want to be left out of the loop in any of this anymore, especially not when her boyfriend was a werewolf and there were people trying to sacrifice her. She had listened to Jim about everything else, but she wasn't going to let him leave her out of this anymore. The stakes were too high for both her and her family.

Perhaps she should have gone back there that morning. She had been so exhausted that she didn't want to have to worry about them asking questions, but they should know that there was someone after them as well. If they wanted gypsy blood, then they had it as well.

And they had already tried to get Daisy once.

She would have to tell them tonight. Indigo was sure that they were all going to be home, unless Alfonso had another date planned. She doubted it, though.

Maybe she should have Jim there with her. That way they might not think that it was just her being paranoid. They could have learned their lesson when Indigo tried to warn them about Daisy, but she could never be too sure.

She would have to ask Jim first, though. She really hoped that he would have the day off. She never seemed to know when his days off were, because he could always get called out to work if there was an emergency, and when the police didn't need him, his brother did.

Indigo got up and started looking around the room. For a single man living on his own, he was doing pretty well for himself. He had a house, for one, that no one else lived in except for himself. It wasn't large, but it was nice. The room that he had let her stay in for the night was a guest room. It looked as if it hadn't been used in a long time, but it wasn't dusty. She didn't know whether he hired a maid service, or whether he just cleaned during the few hours he had off, but the room was clean.

And to think: a man that could turn into a wolf whenever he wanted to lived right in the heart of one of the largest city's she had ever been in. There were plenty more where he came from too. Indigo wondered how four hundred people could live in the forest without hardly anyone knowing about them. In complete harmony, too. It didn't make sense to her. Then again, not much did nowadays. It seemed like the longer she stayed in this town, the crazier it got.

She had hazy memories of walking into this place early in the morning, along with Jim offering her something to wear to bed so that she wouldn't have to sleep in her dress. Most of the times, her outfits were comfortable and perfect for many occasions. But the one that she was wearing last night was for hiking and had buttons. Buttons were never comfortable to sleep in.

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