According to Plan

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This was utterly ridiculous. The stupidest idea that ever existed. It always seemed like whenever things like this happened the men left the women alone to deal with things themselves. She was tired of pacing the room, worrying to death if they were going to come back or not.

She didn't know what Jim had said to Will, but it had something to do with her, she was sure. Because as soon as she was coerced inside, there was a whole guard by her door. There was guard everywhere outside too. Indigo had always thought this killer was dangerous, but this was much more than that. There was something in her mind that had told her they might be after Jim, but she didn't expect them to be solely after him. After speaking to the Sheriff, he told her of Snake and Felix's findings, and how they were using her as a ploy to try and destroy him.

It was shocking. She had barely known him for that long, yet she was used as the live bait to get him right where they wanted. That was how they were able to poison him so easily. Neither of them were expecting that. They didn't even attempt to poison Indigo. She left that dinner without even an upset stomach.

And now they were somewhere out there, trying to defeat someone without telling anyone else where they were headed. It was the dumbest idea ever. What if something happened to them? William should have at least told them where he was going. Instead, he just waited a few minutes after seeing Jim run, probably gave a few orders or something, and ran off with him. So now she was left completely in the dark about almost everything.

"He's following Jim's scent," Prue said, speaking to the Sheriff who was still there. "We don't know what place he thinks it is. The only thing we can do is make sure that he is safe and see if there's anything that he needs."

"You can't tell me where they are when they get there?" The Sheriff asked. He seemed just as bothered by this as she did.

"I was ordered not to let this get past the pack," Prue told him. "Even if I were able to, it could take hours before they get to their destination. We don't know how far this place is."

"What about that mind link of yours?"

How much did this man know about werewolves? It took Indigo just last month to learn about that strange mind link thing. But he seemed like an expert. And she was pretty sure he was human.

At least, she hoped he was at this point. She didn't know if she could handle there being another being from a fairytale book that was actually real.

"Both of them aren't thinking anything," Prue said. "They're feeling. Their wolves are going off from their instincts. The only reason they would be on that link would be if they call for backup."

"And you can't message them through it or something?" The Sheriff ran his hand through his hair, his hat crumpled up in the other one.

"I can," Prue told him. "But that doesn't mean that they're going to answer. The best thing to do is wait until they say they need backup."

Great. Knowing Jim, that wasn't going to be ever. Maybe if he had his radio and could talk to Snake, but Indigo doubted that he would ever ask for help from the pack. He was still in the mindset that they were going to think of him as a traitor or wanting to take back the power of leader. She hated that those old men tried to push that on him, because now it was going to take years before he stopped believing that they were going to force it on him.

The Sheriff stayed quiet, thinking a little more about the situation. He was respectful towards Prue at least. Indigo could tell that he wasn't happy with her answers, but he was calm with her. Indigo wished that she had one of her cousin's insight. She was all the way in another state, but she had an intuition about others energies and auras. It wasn't a superpower and she couldn't do much with it, but she always knew whether to trust someone based off from that intuition. She told Indigo a long time ago that her aura was fun and happy.

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