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 "Something tells me that you aren't going to listen to what I have to say," Florence crossed her arms.

"For the last time, he's not a questionable guy."

"He's a guy," Florence stopped her. "That always makes him questionable. And now you just formed this bond with him that's supposed to be forever? You can't tell me that's not a red flag right there!"

"He's done nothing but protect me," Indigo told her, going through her dresser for some things. She wanted to make sure that she could actually take a shower there. The plan was that she was going to stay the night for a couple of days so that she wouldn't be completely alone. Jim only had shifts in the day time, so she would always be able to share the nights with him.

"I mean, that is a perk to being with a werewolf," Bartley said. "They're extremely protective. The down side is they're possessive and could wind up controlling."

"Did you set boundaries yet?"

"I don't need to, Florence," Indigo laughed, shaking her head. "If anything, it was Jim who set the boundaries in the first place. I had to be the one to get past his."

"Ooo!" Daisy ran into the room. "I need details! Was he good?"

"Can you girls save that for when we're not here?" Alfonso scrunched his face. "And when there's not someone waiting in the carport for you?"

"There's no rush," Indigo told him. "But for the sake of your ears, I'll refrain."

"Is he hairy?" Bartley asked. When Alfonso shot him a look, he raised his shoulders to his ears. "What? I've been dying to know!"

"No more than the average man can be," she answered, trying not to giggle at the two brothers.

"Huh...I wonder if they have anything different about them then, other than the whole shifting into a wolf bit."

"Heightened senses," Florence counted off her fingers, her glasses slowly coming off her face. "Inhuman reflexes; a thirst for blood."

"I'm pretty sure that's vampires," Daisy interjected.

"I still don't trust him."

"I'm kind of with Indigo on this one," Alfonso looked to his sister. "I mean, think about all that he's done, even for us. He saved Indigo at least three times, saved Daisy, kept an eye on the house when we were having that issue with witches."

"Even if he's a good person," Florence shook her head. "It doesn't mean that there won't be any trouble ahead. Werewolves are signs of warning. They tell the one who encounters them to beware. If not of them, then of something else. They only attract more creatures to them, and none of them are good."

"I'm already getting stalked, and almost got kidnapped, Florence," Indigo fought. "At this point, there's nothing else that he could bring into my life to make it worse."

"Stalked?" Alfonso asked. "Are you talking about your dreams again?"

"I saw him yesterday," she answered. "When I went with Jim to get some breakfast."

She wound up telling them the whole story of it, starting from the start of that morning before. Even if Florence was right in werewolves bringing other creatures, she really felt like there was nothing else that could come her way. She was already dealing with it all. And Jim was the only one who could really protect her from all of these things anyway. She would have wound up dead if it hadn't been for him.

"I trust him," Bartley said. "But I also want to ask him a bunch of questions."

"Not yet," Indigo told him, finally standing up with her bag. She wasn't sure what she was going to need, so she just brought as much as she could. "I still have to tell him that I told you guys."

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