Pictures and Gossip

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"So," Daisy elbowed her, "How's it going between you and that detective?"

Indigo shook her head, and put her camera back up to her face. They were going for a walk around the city so she could get some fresh air. And of course, Daisy had to bring him up. Her own relationship must have been too boring to talk about at the moment.

"I still can't believe you ditched her when you went out, Daisy," Florence said. She had the day off from her job, so she was hanging out with them most of the day. Other than shopping, which was one of their favorite pastimes, they enjoyed walking around wherever they were just to enjoy the sights. That was how Indigo got close with her cousins all those years ago. They would always lose the crowd that was their family and go walk somewhere, having an adventure all on their own. Whether they were talking to catch each other up, to gossip, or simply to talk, it was always a good time.

Of course, that was just with the girls. Whenever Alfonso or Bartley were around, it tended to be a bunch of silly games that they would want to play. They were good kids for the most part, but everyone in the family were gypsies at heart. And that always led to some mischief.

She missed that mischief quite a lot.

"I didn't ditch her, she ditched me!" Daisy huffed, stopping with Indigo so that she could get a shot at one of the flowers that someone was growing in their yard. They were in some neighborhoods just behind some stores that they had visited just earlier that day. One of them was a little diner that they had planned to eat at soon.

"You left without even trying to call me!" Indigo told her. "And I was stuck with no way home!"

"Oh, that's not true," Daisy rolled her eyes. "First of all, I did try to call you when Harold was picking me up. You were just too busy with your handsome savior to answer it. Besides, as soon as I saw that detective there, eyeing you up, I knew you were going to be just fine."

"So, you ditched me."

"I strategically left at the best time for you to be able to catch his attention," her cousin looked too proud when she told her that. She was definitely a charmer, especially with the men, but no one quite understood just how childish Daisy could be other than the rest of her family. "I was basically your wingman."

Indigo looked over at Florence. The tall woman met her eyes, and then rolled them and shook her head. It wasn't like she was that upset with her cousin. She could handle being by herself. She had done many things alone before, and being in a bar alone wasn't new to her. Florence just always had this motherly way about her that made her worry about everyone she loved. She was actually shocked that the woman hadn't started a family of her own yet.

"At least my night wasn't completely ruined," Indigo laughed. "But you made me deal with Roy all by myself." One of her exes just had to be there to ruin her luck. She had been around the city before, and she always met tons of people. It just so happened that one of the guys that she had dated a year or two ago just decided to pop up at that bar right then. It was always annoying dealing with those men. She always broke up with them. Most of the ones that she had dated just had too many problems, and they always hated that she was traveling so much.

"Was that the one who still listened to everything his mother told him?" Daisy asked. "Or the one that was super angry that you went all the way out of the state the next week after you two started dating?"

"When were they not angry about me traveling?" Indigo smiled, leaning over to take some pictures of the forest that was around. They were right on the outskirts of the city at that point, and the forest surrounded most of it. It looked so mysterious, she immediately wanted to adventure through it the second that she saw those tall trees. Florence was the one who had told her that it was best not to. Apparently there had been some wolf sightings in the trees near the city. But that only piqued her curiosity more. She would love to get a picture of one of those wolves. If it was done correctly, she bet she could sell it for a pretty penny.

Glassed DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora