Picture's Worth

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"Any news?" The man heard in his ear. He had almost forgotten about the earbud he had on, too focused on the work that had been entrusted on him.

"None yet," he reported, keeping his voice low. It was night at the moment, which allowed for him to do his job proficiently. "I think her new interest is a little too busy at the moment."

"Good," the voice said, seeming pleased by his findings. "Anyone of interest around her?"

"Suspicious cousins," he said. "But they're harmless. They don't know a thing of what's really happening in this city."

"Perhaps that's more of a good thing," it told him, seeming to smile through the speaker it talked through. "After all, if they don't trust this interest of hers, then why would she?"

"I see what you're getting at."

"Good," it paused for a second. "Just make sure this suspicion is directed towards the right people. And keep an eye on her while you're at it. I'd hate if she got into any trouble."

The call ended with that, and the cloaked man looked out towards the small house that he had been watching the whole night. It was such a tiny thing for so many to be living there, but that was how their kind always worked for some reason. He could still see a light on in one of the windows, the curtains so mindlessly open for him to catch a peek.

It didn't take an expert to see that there was something special about this one. While her cousins blended in with the city, even with all their strange attire, she always stood out. If only she knew just how important she was to all of this.

He smiled behind his hood as he watched her stare at a mirror again, zoning out whilst trying to find some answer. If only she knew just how special she was.

"Indigo, will you stop looking in that mirror!" Daisy groaned, snapping her out of her thoughts. "You aren't even putting make-up on!"

"That's not the only reason why you look into a mirror," she rolled her eyes, watching as her cousins all scrambled to get their things. Whether they stayed home or not, they always had something to do. And since her room had originally been for their extra storage, it meant that they would come and interrupt her more often than not.

"You're going to go cross-eyed if you keep on trying to force these visions out, Indie," Alfonso said, coming in since the door was already open. "Why don't you go out with that boyfriend of yours or something? He should be getting you out of doing this all the time."

"If he wasn't so busy trying to help his brother out," Daisy complained for her this time, shaking her head. "I'm shocked that you even let him go that night, Indie. I would have told him that he better come with me or he was never going to expect to hear from me again."

"He wasn't lying," Indigo shook her head. The one thing with all of her cousins was if one decided to come in, then they all did. She would have gotten annoyed by it if she hadn't already grown up with people barging into her room all the time. "I'm not going to stop him from doing what he has to do."

"That's what happens when you date a cop," Bartley piped up. "Although some of the lady officers look really nice."

"You'd be better off finding someone who'll want to date you behind bars," Alfonso laughed, hitting his brother playfully on the shoulder.

"Oh, like the player over here has had such great luck!" Bartley frowned.

"Better than you," Alfonso smirked. "Maybe I can teach you a few tricks on how to be a real lady's man."

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