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Asia's POV

I went to lunch hoping that Jenna wouldn't bring up the topic about my sex life or what happened this morning in general.

But my hopes were wrong.

She managed to sneak into our conversation the fact that she lost her virginity last night to some super jock, hot, sexy football player at our school.

But I don't doubt it for a second. Jenna's the definition of the popular girl every girl wants to be and every guy wishes they had. It didn't surprise me. Honestly, I thought it would have happened before now.

I didn't wanna lie to her, but my confidence would go way down if she knew I was a 16 year old virgin. To anyone else that might seem good, but it sucks being the only person out of all your friends who hasn't done it yet.

Charlie, Devin and even Logan! It's not fair! And now Jenna? Great.

I walked home after the dragged on school day and put my stuff in my room. I didn't have any homework; so, I was grateful for a morning where I could get up and not have to do anything. Just relax in the silence.

I heard all the guys come in, including Dallas, and they were laughing at something. I was in a mood so I decided not to leave my room until it was time to walk to the drive in.

I walked down the stairs and put my jacket on. I opened the front door, hoping to sneak out before anyone saw me.

"Asia! Where ya going?" Devin called out.

I sighed. "The drive in." I said, turning around and slowly trying to leave.

"What's on your face?" Logan asked coming up to me. Charlie followed and Dallas trailed behind them.

"It's called makeup." I said swatting Charlie's hand away as he tried to wipe it off my eye. "I put it there on purpose." I said, dumbly.

"You going on a date?" Devin asked.

"No," I said quickly, "I'm going out with Jenna."

"You never wear that much makeup when you go out with her. Who's the guy?" Logan asked, following me out the door.

"I'll be back later. Bye."

I heard Charlie make kidding noises behind me. I rolled my eyes. "La la la. I can't hear you. You're a bitch." I said covering my ears.

I walked down the street and down the corner only to find a car trailing behind me. "Hey, pretty lady." Someone said.

The voice sounded familiar so I made an effort to turn around and see who it was.

It took me a moment to see it was Tony. I turned around and rolled my eyes so he couldn't see it.

"It's a little chilly out. How'd ya say you hop in and I drive you the rest of the way?"

I groaned. "I guess so."

"Better be careful." He said as I got into the car.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"I mean, ya turned around when I called out to ya. I could have been anyone." He said.

"I recognized your voice." I said dumbly.

"Then you got in my car!"

"I knew it was you!" I yelled back. "I'm not an idiot." I muttered.

"I'm just saying. Better be careful out there, doll."

"Don't underestimate me." I said bitterly.

"Wouldn't think of it." He said, continuing to drive.

I rolled my eyes and slouched back in my seat. I already hated this.

We pulled up to the drive in and we sat in the car, silently watching the movie. I never was a huge fan of movies. I didn't care to watch some unrealistic fantasy I wish I had.

But to each there own.

About halfway through the movie, Tony spoke up. "So where ya from?"

"Not New York." I said vaguely.

"So... where from?"

I groaned. "Next question."

"I heard that Winston guy talking about ya today. Don't remember his first name. At least I think it was you. I don't exactly know your name. But you fit the description. Do you know him?"

"You could say that."

"Friends? Ex? Brother? What is he?"

"Roommate, if even." I said. "That's it. I hate him and that's that."

It was quiet for a second. Hopefully he would stop talking and let me sit here in silence.

"So are ya ever gonna tell me your name?" He eventually asked.

"I'll leave that up to you to figure out." I said, plainly.

"Come on, doll. If we're gonna end this night with a bang I gotta know your name."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You know what that means."

He leaned closer to me and put his hand on my thigh.

"Get off of me!" I snapped.

"What?" He asked.

"I came here to watch a movie. Not sleep with you." I said angrily.

"Please, darlin'." He begged.

"Absolutely not." I said.

I started to get out of the car, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back in. He locked the door and put himself on top of me.

He slid his hand up my shirt as I tried to yell out.

Part of me thought to just let it happen. That way I could tell Jenna I actually did it without lying.

But the other part of me respected myself more than this.

I kicked my leg up, hitting him hitting him in the groin. He groaned a bit, but not enough to the point to get him to stop.

I pushed my feet up on the dashboard and punched him in the face. He held his cheek with his hand and I pushed him off of me.

I kicked my heel into his jaw and he toppled over a bit more.

I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close to me. I could smell the blood from his mouth, I was so close.

"Don't underestimate me." I muttered. I crawled out of the car and started home.

God, what a pig!

I hope he knows I'm gonna get him back for that.

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